Exploring The Art and Craft of Lesbian Blogging

NaBloPoMo Lesbian

Today, November 1, marks the launch of the *real* NaBloPoMo – National Blog Posting Month. This group-blog idea was founded in 2006 as a little sibling to National Novel Writing Month. Now managed by BlogHer, NaBloPoMo has a simple aim – post something every day. They offer blogging prompts, a blogroll and the opportunity to […]

It’s the terror of knowing What this world is about

Lesbian Blogging

My blogging during September was erratic, in part due to being depressed and physically sick. So I decided to give NaBloPoMo a try in October – National Blog Post Month is hosted monthly by BlogHer to encourage frequent blogging. I tried it last year and it went well so I figured it would be helpful. […]

These Are Five of My Favorite Things

Sound of Music

A classic question, revisited: what are the five items you must have on a deserted island? It is a challenge to take this question seriously – it’s so pop psychology meets Facebook meme with a dash of 19th century fascination with all things exotic and deserted thrown in for good measure. I mean you rationalize […]

Malcolm X and Blogher

The Prompt: Malcolm X said, “A man who stands for nothing will fall for anything.” Discuss. My first thought was that as a middle class white woman, I needed to get more context on this quote before wading in. I did read Malcolm X in college so I had a sense that this quote wouldn’t be […]

Failure Sucks

The Prompt: Oprah Winfrey said, “So go ahead. Fall down. The world looks different from the ground.” Do you embrace failure? I’m not sure how to begin with this one. Oprah certainly overcame adversity in a manner that is unparalleled in the history of the world, right? Even now, she could just stop and relax and […]

NaBloPoMo: Costume Redux

Hallloween costumes

The Prompt: Tell us about your favourite Halloween costume from childhood. I can only remember 3. When I was just in school, my parents bought me a store made Super Girl costume. The type in a cardboard box with a pieve of cellophane through which you could see the mask. It was blond, sculpted perfection to […]

NaBloPoMo: Autumnal Flavour? Turner’s Orange Drink Of Course

The prompt:  What is your favourite autumnal flavour? OK, so this makes me giggle. There are so many to choose from such as pumpkin, pumpkin spice, pumpkin pie, pumpkin latte, pumpkin pie Blizzards, pumpkin roll, pumpkin seeds- not so much – and then every type of candy bar known to mankind but wrapped in a […]

NaBloPoMo – I Can’t Help Falling

I’ve lost my blogging groove so I’m going back to the basics with NaBloPoMo (National Blog Post Month) a daily writing exercise organized by BlogHer. They have a theme “Fall” and provide daily prompts, but I can write about whatever I choose. But fall is so much more than a season. We’re talking about falling […]

Book Review: A Good American

I’m typically a fan of the multi-generational family “coming to America” novel. I think it may be all of the James Michener books I read in high school. So I had high hopes for this latest novel, A Good American by Alex George.    While interesting, the novel lacks a sense of being grounded in reality […]

Book Review: Touch & Go

Lisa Gardner’s Touch & Go is somewhat engaging, puzzling and essentially a good fit for a weekend read or a plane trip. The very wealthy Denbe famly – Justin, wife Libby and 15 year old daughter Ashlyn – are kidnapped. The FBI, local law enforcement and private investigator Tessa Leoni race against time to find […]