Larry Traces His Coming Out to JFK and A Frat Brother #AMPLIFY

Larry Gay Pittsburgh

Read the entire AMPLIFY LGBTQ Q&A archive. AMPLIFY LGBTQ is a new occasional series of blog posts designed to give a “signal boost” to the voices of our LGBTQ neighbors throughout Western Pennsylvania. We are using a Q&A format and will minimize editing their responses. The questions, however, may change as we ask each participant to […]

LGBTQ&A: Carri Inks Her Support

An occasional series where we pose some questions to local LGBTQ folks (and Allies) to learn more about their personal experiences with LGBTQ culture. Click here for a complete list of all LGBTQ&A profiles. I met Carri through the interwebs – she has an active petition on asking the regional Boy Scout Council to lift […]

Jen Asks YOU to Change Your Facebook/Twitter Profiles to Support LGBTQ Equality in Scouting

Jen and her son Cruz are in Texas this week, working very hard for today’s vote to lift (partially) the BSA ban on LGBTQ scouts and leaders.  She asked me to ASK you to support them by changing your profile pictures. Visit the GLAAD website for all the details. Jen missed her daughter’s 8th grade […]

Trib Editorial Cartoonist Finalist for Boy Scout Critique

Here’s a little Pittsburgh angle on the Boy Scout story. Tribune Review editorial cartoonist Randy Bish was a finalist in the Golden Quill awards for his work on the Boy Scouts anti-gay stance. Here are two fine examples of his work.  I really like the first cartoon – it captures the truth that the Boy […]

Boy Scouts Proposal Will Uphold Discrimination Against LGBTQ Parents & Adults

The Boy Scouts of America are a real piece of work. While all eyes in America are glued to the largest manhunt in recent history to protect our nation from further acts of terror – they decide to slip out the fact that they are going to “let” LGBTQ boys remain in the Scouts, but […]

The Week in LGBTQA – March 17, 2013

St. Patrick’s Day edition. First, let me wish my younger brother Jim a happy birthday. He’s 41 – 17 months younger than me. In my head he’s still 8. LOL.  One of most significant stories this past week involved a conversation about how we prevent rape. Gun proponents argue that women need guns to shoot […]

Jen Tyrrell Talks Boy Scouts Survey on HuffPost Live

Our friend and contributing blogger Jennifer Tyrrell joined HuffPost Live this week to discuss the decision of the Boy Scouts to survey their members about lifting the ban on LGBTQ scouts and leaders. She’s concerned that the questions are leading and also makes a very good point that the survey response are tied to people’s […]

Heinz Affirms Donations, “Partnership” With Anti-Gay Boy Scouts

Do you like bigotry with your condiments? Heinz has donated to the Boy Scouts and plans to continue that relationship regardless of their anti-LGBTQ policies. The New Civil Rights Movement shares: Ketchup-maker H.J. Heinz Company gave $12,000 to the Scouts during the fiscal year ending April 27, 2011 — and stands by those donations. “The H.J. Heinz […]

Eagle Scout Urges Carly Rae Jepsen to Denounce Ban on LGBTQ Youth

Boy Scouts, LGBT, Carly Rae Jepsen

This is a little odd – the Boy Scouts have hired Carly Rae Jepsen and Train to headline their annual  Scout Jamboree. Both Jepsen and the members of Train have spoken out in favor of LGBTQ equality. Jepsen’s video for “Call Me Maybe” has a gay twist at the end. ??? However, it does present […]

Letter to the Editor: Gays Fit to Lead

Another neighbor weighs in on the issue of equality in the Boy Scouts of America. My three sons and I have been actively involved in Boy Scouting for over 12 years. My eldest son is an Eagle Scout. Scouting has been an incredible experience for my sons, helping them to develop unparalleled leadership skills, a […]