Let’s Get Jen Tyrrell on the Ellen DeGeneres Show

My friend and blog team member Jen Tyrrell would be a perfect guest on the Ellen DeGeneres show. Jen is a trailblazing pioneer in the Boy Scouts of America. Jen is a mom (like Betty DeGeneres) who wants a better world for her kids. Jen and her family have a “thing” called kitchen dancing. Seriously. So […]

Jen Tyrrell, Other Advocates To Deliver 1.4 Million Signatures to Boy Scouts HQ

Jen is in Dallas today and heading to New York this week to volunteer her time to push for the change to the Boy Scouts policy. She’s sending dispatches for us to post. Update: Had a great meeting last night with some of the key players in this movement! Greg Bourke (Den Leader, Ousted because […]

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Use of “Homosexuals” Not Helping Gay Boy Scouts

I’m fairly certain the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette editorial board is not being ironic when it opines: In facing up to its own legacy of bias, the Boy Scouts of America is considering a less than all-American remedy. After years of outside criticism and withdrawn financial support, the organization announced Monday that it might allow individual troops […]

NaBloPoMo: Ben Franklin

Wednesday, January 30, 2013 Benjamin Franklin said, “Energy and persistence conquer all things.” Do you agree or disagree? Second to last day in my month long journey. NaBloPoMo is up for February (love and sex) but I am going to take a break in part due to having some other tasks that need my attention […]

Don’t Put the Cart Before the Horse Just Yet

Two huge national stories are almost sort of kind of breaking. Chick-fil-A has promised not to fund hate with their corporate profit. The Boy Scouts might stop requiring discrimination based on sexual orientation – it will be optional.  I am not being a smartass. I’m being deliberately skeptical because both of these organizations have stepped […]

Are You Tougher Than a Boy Scout??

While the Boy Scout discrimination never ceases to amaze me, it seems they have a new partner is bigotry. The National Geographic Channel. The channel will air a new reality show called, you guessed it, “Are You Tougher Than a Boy Scout?”. Nat Geo reps say the cable network is an equal-opportunity employer and that […]

Welcome To Our New Blogger – Jennifer Tyrrell

We are pleased to welcome our new guest blogger to Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents – Jennifer Tyrrell. As you may recall, Jennifer is an Ohio based lesbian who skyrocketed to national attention when she challenged the Boy Scouts of America about their homophobia. Like many parents, Jennifer had volunteered as a den leader and had received a […]

Rebel Who Found Her Cause

When thinking about what to write for this blog, I was faced with a decision. Do I really want people to know the “real” me?? I so often use humor and sarcasm to keep people at a “safe distance”, emotionally speaking. Do I really wanna let people “in” or should I just amuse them with […]

United Way in Harrisburg Will No Longer Fund Boy Scouts

This is interesting and perhaps a sign of things to come …  The United Way of the Capital Region says it will stop distributing funds to the Boy Scouts council for south-central Pennsylvania unless the group allows memberships for openly gay scouts. The charity’s board of directors on Friday voted not to renew its partnership […]