Pet Food Shortages Make Your Donations of Cat Food Essential.

Empty Cat Food Shelves

I order cat food on a monthly basis and just went through our pantry to see what we needed. I was shocked to check my go-to place and discover that Fancy Feast is on complete backorder, as well as nearly $2.00/can. It is typically about $.66/can. Shelves at Target, pet food stores, even Chewy are […]

Remember the Kitties: Ferat Cat Colony Food Drive Update

where to donate cat food pittsburgh

  Remember, we are hosting an ongoing cat food drive to benefit the human neighbors who take care of the colonies. Some are elders (up to 97!), some are also volunteers with feral cat organizations, others are veterans and families and even more have picked up the mantle from a family member – what a […]

Here’s our list of neighbors taking care of homeless cats – Please donate food if you can

where to donate cat food Pittsburgh

We’ve added three new feral cat colonies to our Virtual #CatFoodDrive … with this bitter cold snap coming, you can help – food and shelter are the best tools for them to survive. This is the answer to your question “How can I help cats?” We have a list of neighbors who need help feeding […]

Donate Cat Food to These 8 Local Feral Colony Caretakers

where to donate cat food Pittsburgh

Some people tell me we should stay focused on human needs, not animals. I say we do both and more. I also say helping neighbors who give up their own food for their cats is helping people. A healthy, well-fed colony with a caretaker monitoring the cats is ideal. Yes, new cats will show up, […]

#FeralCatFoodDrive: Barbara, 77, Feeding Ferals in Oakland

As part of our work to support local caretakers of feral cat colonies, we organize pet food drives. COVID-19 interfered with our plans, forcing us to move to virtual drives including wishlists. This is the wishlist for Barbara, a 77 year old caretaker in Oakland. Barbara is a 77 year old caretaker who has been […]

Update on the Cat Food Drive: Part One

Cat Food Drive Pittsburgh

So our launch was a little rocky thanks to some shenanigans involving my webservers. I hope that’s been addressed, but just in case – I’ve created a FB event and will do my best to update both on a regular basis. A big shipment was donated via the Amazon wishlist and has already been distributed […]