Who Runs the World? Cat Ladies? Cat Ladies!

I have seemingly millions of trail camera photos from the colonies and TNR adventures. My cat lady adventures. My misfires. My questionable wardrobe choices. Don’t watch, don’t watch … it will only make your miserable. So yesterday I read that my cousin JD Vance’s 2021sexist and anti-cat comments about Kamala Harris had resurfaced. Have I […]

Is St. Gertrude Really the Patron Saint of Cats? And Who Are the Cat Folx?

St. Gertrude

We have a little St. Gertrude plastic figurine holding a cat sitting above our sink. Friends gave it to us. It is cute, but I had never heard about a patron saint of cats until then. If you are on social media today (St. Patrick’s Day), you’ll see lots of references to St. Gertrude because […]

Cat Folx Aren’t Saints, Heroes, or Martyrs. But We Are Your Neighbors.

Long post: giving back to your neighborhood Their are community cats in your neighborhood. And if you are lucky, someone is caring for them. We launched the petfood drives to specifically support cat colony caretakers in 2019 after learning they often were not eligible for many pet food distributions b/c feral cats aren’t pets. They […]

Another Santa Claws Gift Card Drive Update – 8 adopted, 17 to go

gift card drive for cats

Overnight, we received word that five additional cat colony caretakers were adopted for the holidays.  – that’s a total of eight, leaving us to find gift card donations for 17 other caretakers. Please don’t wait to at least tell me you plan to participate. My heart races wondering if we’ll find enough donors. Best way […]

Morning Things – Feeding the Backyard Cats

Feeding Feral Cats

This is what we get to do each day – morning and night – we have two feral cats in our yard named Oksana and Mx Pajamas. They wait at the back door like little dogs. In this clip, our occasional guest Tommy is waiting. He was curled up in a little ball when I […]

The #ManchesterCatTrap Offers Free TNVR and a Pet Food Distribution to Pittsburgh’s Northside


There are a lot of cats without homes in Manchester and nearby neighborhoods. I’ve trapped 12 this year alone and I’m definitely a novice. So wit the advice of experienced trappers, I proposed a “mass trapping” where colony caretakers and volunteer trappers get the kitties and we take them en masse to the Fix’n Wag’n […]

Cat Lady Chronicles – No, That’s not a Maine Coon and Yes, We Do Need Cat Food

TNR Pittsburgh

Here’s our latest adventures Helena Cassadine seems a little down so we were able to get into a follow-up appointment with Fix’n Wag’n where she had been spayed a year ago. The good news is that she is physically healthy – her teeth are especially excellent. The bad news is that I had to drive […]

Remember the Kitties: Ferat Cat Colony Food Drive Update

where to donate cat food pittsburgh

  Remember, we are hosting an ongoing cat food drive to benefit the human neighbors who take care of the colonies. Some are elders (up to 97!), some are also volunteers with feral cat organizations, others are veterans and families and even more have picked up the mantle from a family member – what a […]

On Day 199, I Made a post-Election Appointment

I had an appointment with my psychiatrist today. We confirmed some previously discussed medication changes, nixing one and tweeking another. I have to titrate up every two weeks by 25 mg from 25 mg to eventually 200 mg. She asked to see me again at the halfway point and I was quiet when I realized […]

Update on the #SheffieldTrio Kittens – Day Six

Pittsburgh Foster Kittens

Good Lord, I need a kitten post right now. Be sure to check out my recent post, 12 Bits of Advice for Cat Ladies. When we last left Susie Myerson, (Sophie) Lennon, and Maisel, they had arrived from their home under a porch on nearby Sheffield Street at the tender age of eight weeks to […]