Birth Control, Catholic Employees and Cut The Crap

For crying out loud … Christian hysterics across the land are wringing their hands because they might be required to provide access to contraception under the health insurance offered to their employees. They had a one year exemption to figure it out and now they are crying “religious persecution” and typical bullshit. From Feministing: President […]

Does the Catholic Church Have a First Amendment Right to Provide Social Services?

Does the Catholic Church Have a First Amendment Right to Provide Social Services?

No. And they accept that fact. Here’s the challenge. Anthony R. Picarello Jr., general counsel and associate general secretary of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, disagreed. “It’s true that the church doesn’t have a First Amendment right to have a government contract,” he said, “but it does have a First Amendment right not […]

Catholic leaders whine about their rights?

Catholic leaders whine about their rights?

Ann Rodgers has a nice piece in the PG from last week about religious leaders in the Catholic Church forming a committee to defend the religious liberties of INSTITUTIONS. Not people. Not their members. Not specific priest. They claim: “While recognizing religious freedom as an individual right, we see that religious freedom belongs also to […]