Introducing Our New Foster Kittens, Stefano DiMeowa and Spencer Cattsadine #PghCatLadies

Foster Kittens Pittsburgh

Today has been a big, exhausting day for me. For the past few weeks, I’ve been helping some Northside neighbors who have a small feral colony made up of Papa, Mama, and two kittens. They’ve provided a heated shelter and regular food, they wanted to try to find homes for the kittens and TNR the […]

How are the cats?

Adopt a Kitten

Far too much time has gone by since I posted an update on our foster/feral cats and kittens, or our resident critters as a matter of fact. These are tails I weave daily via my social media feeds if you have a craving for critter pics and updates.   Our foster kittens – Susie Myerson, […]

Update on the #SheffieldTrio Kittens – Day Six

Pittsburgh Foster Kittens

Good Lord, I need a kitten post right now. Be sure to check out my recent post, 12 Bits of Advice for Cat Ladies. When we last left Susie Myerson, (Sophie) Lennon, and Maisel, they had arrived from their home under a porch on nearby Sheffield Street at the tender age of eight weeks to […]

Free to a Good Home: 12 Bits of Advice for First-Time Cat Ladies and Friends

Foster Kitten Pittsburgh

It was two years ago in late December when we began feeding a Domestic Long-Haired cat who showed up on our deck. It was so cold and snowy that we set up a makeshift feeding station for her and a few friends who showed up. Fast forward two years. That particular kitty and her bonded […]

Pittsburgh Needs Policies for Urban Wildlife and Homeless Domestic Animals #NaBloPoMo

The Prompt – Is Pittsburgh a cat or dog city? (Or alligator city?) Explain your answer. I’m a cat and dog person, but I have more cats right now. Thus, I plead the Fifth on this one. I wish the CITY as an entity had more concrete policies with regard to homeless cats and dogs. […]

My Birthday Wish (Almost) Came True

Pittsburgh Feral Cats

Sunday was a good day. Our friend Don helped to assemble our new feeding station for our feral cats. I was so excited – watching cats eat in the rain has been sad and we had no solid shelter as an alternative. So I asked for a shelter as my birthday gift – I turn […]

Pgh Northside Cat Ladies and Friends Feral Cat Supplies – Donate!

Fundraiser for homeless cats

The Pgh Northside Cat Ladies and Friends are working with Homeless Cat Management Team to create a cat trapping “lending library” on the Northside for convenience and efficiency. This project is eligible for a 100% match so any bit you can donate will get twice as close to our end goal. Our goal is two […]

Meet Allister, a Kitten Available for Adoption in Pittsburgh #PghCatLadies

Pittsburgh CAT adoption

Meet Allister Small male kitten, chocolate brown tabby, good with other cats, dogs and children. I am a regal boy named Allister. My foster mom tells me I have a ton of personality. I’m not sure what that means, but it must be good since she laughs and gives me kisses! I love attention and […]

What Will Happen to Jennie Jane?

Jennie Jane has recovered from her spay surgery. She’s ready to be released. For the time being, she’s being housed by a temporary foster home. That person reports that JJ is eating, using the litter pan, and not showing aggression when those items are changed out by human hands. But she’s cowering in the crate […]

Snipping Kittens and Other #KittenCaboodle Updates

Feral Cats Pittsburgh

On Monday, we took our feral mama, Jennie Jane, to be spayed, tested, and vaccinated. She came through that procedure with flying colors (tested negative for both FeLV and FIV.) The cat lady who helped us to trap her had a temporary spot in her foster room so JJ is now enjoying a bit of […]