The Little Red Stocking: a Tale of a Cat’s Toy


**Disclosure: We are a participant in the Amazon Influencer program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. In addition, I may be compensated for purchases made via my Amazon Influencer page. ** I have no idea how the Influence program will […]

The SueCat #KittenCaboodle Update That You Need

The kitten situation has changed significantly over the past five days. You may remember that I plucked Sun Volt off the deck and into our bathroom where he had a continuous source of kitten chow, clean water, sleep, and human attention. He was joined by one and then two of his littermates (now known as […]

The Feral Cat Girls One Year Later aka the Lesbian Cat Lady Adventures

One year ago today, we woke up early with a plan to take the female cat we had trapped to the TNR clinic for 7:30 AM. We dubbed her Mamma Mia because we knew she had a litter. We had been unsuccessful in trapping her companion female whom we assume was a kitten from a […]

Ride Like The Wind

Windstorm Pets

That was some kind of windstorm. Our inconveniences were relatively mild. Our electricity went out around 9:30 PM Sunday evening, literally as Bette Midler was performing Where the Lost Things Go on the Oscar broadcast. We decided to head up to bed and also to round-up the critters to be contained in our bedroom with […]

Review: KitNipBox Subscription Service is Fine, But Not Amazing


A friend of ours who has some rescue kittens mentioned to us that she was using a monthly subscription service for cat toys and accoutrements. It is called the KitNipBox and it is basically a bunch of cat stuff in a box that you can order on a monthly or bimonthly schedule. She gave me […]

When The Ceiling Comes Tumbling Down

Last week started out tough. I was recovering from an asthma attack, trying to schedule carpal tunnel surgery, gearing up for the chaos of our roof being replaced and it was 89 bazillion degrees. That was Tuesday. Thursday night at 8:30 pm, I got a wake-up call about the challenges of the slow-moving state of […]

Mamma Mia, Here We Go Again: Further Adventures in Being in Cat Ladies

Feral cats Pittsburgh

We did it. After seven weeks, we finally (re)trapped our feral/homeless female cat, Mamma Mia, and reunited her with her female bonded companion, Maylee. They are both in our second bedroom with access to food & water, comfortable temperatures, and no fears of being hit by a car, attacked by another animal, etc. They are […]

Today, a Kitten Died.

This is a week of unrelenting intensity. Then a kitten died, practically in my arms. We’ve been feeding outside kitties during this brutal winter. We have a dog house filled with straw, we put out fresh water and dry food every day. Right now, our little visitors are Mamma Mia and her four kittens, Little […]

Ten Years Ago Today, We Lost Our Beautiful Dog Mona

Save the Blog

Ledcat thinks it is a bit macabre, but I put the ‘dativersary’ of my pets’ deaths into Google calendar so I don’t forget them. I don’t know most of their birth dates and only a few adoption dates which I also record. Today is the ten year anniversary of the death of our sweet dog, […]

Saying Goodbye to Emberly, the Cat Who Survived

He almost made it to two years. It was a Wednesday afternoon when my friend Brandi posted on Facebook that her kids found an abandoned kitty in weak condition. They could not take it inside because of human allergies. Laura and I drove over with our cat carrier, thinking we would transpor to the Humane […]