She’s had 408 days to apologize and right her wrong

She’s had 408 days to apologize and right her wrong

This past week, I blogged about Nazis, a pet food pantry, and a loving tribute to a feral cat named Tommy. I wrote about the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette strike, posted a round up of Toys for Tots programs in 26 counties and shared some thoughts about my birthday. I also took two cats to the vet […]

The Tail End of the Manchester (back)YardSale and Pet Stuff Distribution

Saturday’s sale and distribution turned out differently than I thought. Backyardsale Outcomes The solid news is that we had eight rescues and three colony caretakers participate in the distribution of free pet stuff. Everyone was gracious about sharing and helping each other load up on towels, blankets, collars, bed, etc. One rescuer volunteered for two […]

A Kitten Named Johnny Pickles, the Cat Rescue Ecosystem, and #PghCatFolx

Long time readers, but not first time callers might know that I established a non-profit, Pittsburgh LGBTQ Charities in 2021. to raise community awareness and promote grassroots engagement for neighborhood quality of life, animal welfare, anti-poverty, and LGBTQ+ issues in Western Pennsylvania. Currently, we have two main project areas. Protect Trans Kids distributes yard signs […]

And Our Neighbors Showed Up to Set Up the (back)YardSale

17 Reasons to Stop By the (back)YardSale on Saturday

It Takes Your Borrowed Extension Cords, Portable Tables, and Parking Cones to Make Our BackYard Sale Run

The clock is ticking for the (back)YardSale on Sat Sept 7, 2024 in Manchester Everything got delayed when we found a bedraggled cat on Faulsey Way. Turns out she’s 16 years old and weighs 4 lbs!  She’s now in Marie’s bathroom after a vet visit that cost $430. Once her bloodwork comes back, we’ll try to find […]

I’m the albatross. I swept in at the rescue.

Update – the Albatross Next week will mark one year since I was wrongly involuntarily civilly committed, had the locks changed to my home of 18+ years, and was officially homeless for 196 days. Just prior to those events, negligent medication management had left me toxic with something akin to serotonin syndrome. Just prior to […]

Spencer Cassadine Lives Under My Bed

I trapped two male siblings in spring 2022 from Allegheny West. Mama was trapped a few weeks later. My naming protocol was based on soap opera characters. Mama became Helena Cassadine. Her boys were Stefano DiMera and Spencer Cassadine. Stefano is a love bug albeit an 18 lb love bug. We adopted him after realizing […]

Where to Donate Your Cat and Dog Stuff in Pittsburgh

backyard brawl

Support the (back)YardSale. Help the people helping the cats. GoFundMe Venmo @  PittsburghLGBTQ PayPal Charities Facebook PittsburghLGBTQ Click Donation