Saturday Morning, I’ll Be in a Fake Holiday Parade Courtesy of YaJagoff and Duquesne Light

My adult dream was to be “Pittsburgh famous” enough to be invited to participate in the now-defunct Celebrate the Seasons Parade. I marched in it many times in high school, but I wanted to ride in a fancy car and wave to the crowds. And be warm.   Alas, that parade is no more. So […]

We’ve Fostered 24 Kittens Since 2018

Dear friends, I hope you are having a safe and healthy holiday season. Laura and I are well. We did not expect to spend nearly our entire first year as a married couple in a pandemic, but we are both triple vaccinated, practicing social distancing, and wearing our masks. Our cats have been a source […]

Santa Claws Update: 3 Caretakers Adopted, 22 Still Unclaimed

We are asking the community to “adopt” neighbors who care for community cats throughout the region. Adoption means purchasing a gift card to let the caretakers know that they matter, that they deserve support and kindness. To thank them. Three donors have adopted three caretakers. That leaves 22 who need a gift card. Please don’t […]

Update on Santa Claws Gift Card Drive – 2 caretakers adopted, 24 to go

As of December 2, we have two caretakers “adopted” for the holidays. That leaves the following caretakers to be adopted with a gift card donation. Al and Karen (72), West Mifflin, 5 catsBarbara (79), Oakland, 25 catsCindy, Hill District, 18 catsDenise, (61), Carnegie, 20+ catsErica, (30), Regent Square, 10+ catsHolly, Northside, 10+ catsJuly, (78), Moon […]

Santa Claws Magic for Walt on the Northside

For the holidays, we are asking you to adopt a community cat caretaker to thank them for their year round work. Walt is a retiree in his 70’s living on the Northside. This is a very special caretaker. He has a colony of 26 cats, all TNVRd. And every one of them is a black […]

Santa Claws Magic for Stephanie in New Derry

Adopt a Family Christmas

For the holidays, we are asking you to adopt a community cat caretaker to thank them for their year round work. Stephanie is a 30-year-old disabled woman living in New Derry in Westmoreland County. She currently cares for 10 cats in her colony. In her own words “I do it because I don’t want them […]

Santa Claws Magic for Captain Roy

Adopt a Family Christmas

For the holidays, we are asking you to adopt a community cat caretaker to thank them for their year round work. Captain Roy is a 96-year-old retired tugboat captain. Roy is a 94 year old retired tug boat captain. He is currently living on social security and has 2 inside cats, though he occasionally helps […]

Santa Claws Magic for Mike M.

Adopt a Family Christmas

For the holidays, we are asking you to adopt a community cat caretaker to thank them for their year round work. Mike M. manages a colony of cats on the Northside and has been doing so for over 10 years. Mike is the rare person who opens his literal home to community cats – he […]

Santa Claws Magic for Mike

For the holidays, we are asking you to adopt a community cat caretaker to thank them for their year round work. Mike is a veteran who kept a promise to his dying daughter 18 years ago that he would continue to feed the cats in her colonies. Mike feeds 3 colonies and works with a […]

Santa Claws Magic for Marjorie

For the holidays, we are asking you to adopt a community cat caretaker to thank them for their year round work. Marjorie is a disabled caretakers living in Imperial. They are in their mid-40’s. She currently has a colony of 20 cats who have been TNVRd. Marjorie stretches her dollars as much as she can […]