Delivering Cat Food to Neighbors in Need

This was an exhausting, but good week – I had the opportunity to deliver hundreds of pounds of cat food to neighbors managing cat colonies via the Pgh Cat Food Drive. We helped trap one lost cat (see that story here) and we are on the trail of another missing cat who escaped his trap […]

Here’s our list of neighbors taking care of homeless cats – Please donate food if you can

where to donate cat food Pittsburgh

We’ve added three new feral cat colonies to our Virtual #CatFoodDrive … with this bitter cold snap coming, you can help – food and shelter are the best tools for them to survive. This is the answer to your question “How can I help cats?” We have a list of neighbors who need help feeding […]

Homeless Cats on the Northside Need Help

Homeless Cats

It has been awhile since I wrote an update on our foster cat lady status. For most of this year, we’ve had three cats living with us – Stefano DiMera and Spencer Cassadine are now 14 month old siblings and their mom, Helena Cassadine (age – timeless) is living in our bathroom. COVID and their […]

Cats For Biden-Harris

On Day 202, I’m sick

I haven’t felt well all week, mostly gastro symptoms that I chalked up an unexpectedly spicy Thai food delivery. But I had a headache, too. Friday, we had to make deliveries of face masks to be packed for delivery, so a lot of running around. I was tired. We heated up leftovers for dinner and […]

We Seized Day 184: a saga of Stefano DiMera and Spencer Cassadine

It had been a typical Wednesday. Laura was working at the kitchen table while I focused on the Pittsburgh MasQUe ProjecT from the sofa. I went upstairs to prepare for my tele-health therapy session. Afterwards, I took a nap. Foster kittens Stefano DiMera and Spencer Cassadine were in the bedroom with me. Stefano slept near […]

Look for the helpers. Then help them.

One thing I’ve typically done well is filling gaps in services, looking for unmet needs. Right now, I have a lot of balls in the air because the needs are seemingly endless. These are projects where modest donations can have a big impact. Here are some ways to help your neighbors. Help animals. Help veterans. […]

Day 32

KDKA kittens

It is clear from this series of diary posts that my ability to county is not on-point. We started our quarantine/self-isolating on March 17, 2020. That’s when Laura was told to work from home and when the City and County orders were in effect. So today is day 32. Our fifth week of hunkering down […]

Ten Things I’ve Learned Trying Out Facebook Live From Our Home

I made Facebook live videos

For some reason, it seemed like a whimsical treat to start making Facebook Live videos from our home.  They aren’t particularly good videos, but they are sincere. I just sort of plop myself down somewhere and start talking. No notes, no script, occasional cat interruptions. It seems like a good time to try out Facebook […]

Daily Dose of #QuarantineCats Sunday March 29, 2020

Pittsburgh Cats and Dogs

These are difficult times. Our crew wants to help so I’m going to try to regularly post brief video snippets from the assorted four-footed residents of our house including our pets, fosters, the ferals, our dog, and occasional guests. Today’s clip features our feral kitties, Oksana (gray and white) and Mx Pajamas (black) on our […]