The #DavisGirl Kittens are Sick/Our Community Cat Colony Feeding Station was Just Dismantled Without Consent

Dead Groundhog

So OMG, right? Hand tight, this post is crazy. I have sad news, uplifting news, a twist, and an ask. Here’s the twist – we came home from our feral cat colony yesterday and found another dead groundhog in our backyard. PLACED in our backyard by someone, likely poisoned like the one from July. Well, possibly […]

Update on the #DavisGirls Foster Kittens from Pittsburgh’s Northside

These three six-week-old kittens from #AlleghenyWest had a rough start with limited food sources and Mama bullied by other community cats. I trapped them last week over the course of five nights. Sticking with my soap opera names, I dubbed these the Davis Girls, referencing the nickname for the adult daughters of Alexis Davis on […]

Help Find a Sick Cat on the Northside

I don’t have a photo because this little one is artful at the dodging. BUT there’s a little kitty on the Northside who is on her own and needs to be trapped for veterinary care. She’s clearly underweight according to those who have seen her. There’s no visible colony near where she lives. We have […]

Outcomes from #ManchesterCatTrap and a Plea for Help

feral cat clinic

I’ve been mulling over how to write this post, a ‘report out’ from our recent cat trapping and pet food distribution event. So let me jump ahead to yesterday, July 6. I was going through the invoices and feedback forms to compile some solid information. I checked Facebook and saw that a neighbor on the […]

Cat Lady Chronicles – No, That’s not a Maine Coon and Yes, We Do Need Cat Food

TNR Pittsburgh

Here’s our latest adventures Helena Cassadine seems a little down so we were able to get into a follow-up appointment with Fix’n Wag’n where she had been spayed a year ago. The good news is that she is physically healthy – her teeth are especially excellent. The bad news is that I had to drive […]

Delivering Cat Food to Neighbors in Need

This was an exhausting, but good week – I had the opportunity to deliver hundreds of pounds of cat food to neighbors managing cat colonies via the Pgh Cat Food Drive. We helped trap one lost cat (see that story here) and we are on the trail of another missing cat who escaped his trap […]

Here’s our list of neighbors taking care of homeless cats – Please donate food if you can

where to donate cat food Pittsburgh

We’ve added three new feral cat colonies to our Virtual #CatFoodDrive … with this bitter cold snap coming, you can help – food and shelter are the best tools for them to survive. This is the answer to your question “How can I help cats?” We have a list of neighbors who need help feeding […]

Homeless Cats on the Northside Need Help

Homeless Cats

It has been awhile since I wrote an update on our foster cat lady status. For most of this year, we’ve had three cats living with us – Stefano DiMera and Spencer Cassadine are now 14 month old siblings and their mom, Helena Cassadine (age – timeless) is living in our bathroom. COVID and their […]

Cats For Biden-Harris

On Day 202, I’m sick

I haven’t felt well all week, mostly gastro symptoms that I chalked up an unexpectedly spicy Thai food delivery. But I had a headache, too. Friday, we had to make deliveries of face masks to be packed for delivery, so a lot of running around. I was tired. We heated up leftovers for dinner and […]