How Awesome Would ‘Do They Know It’s Christmas?’ Mashup With ‘Amazing Grace’

Harlem Gospel Choir Band Aid

Today’s actual Daily Prompt is art of blogging adjacent You’re asked to recite a poem (or song lyrics) from memory — what’s the first one that comes to mind? Does it have a special meaning, or is there another reason it has stayed, intact, in your mind? Two songs come to mind, both for nostalgic […]

How To Recycle a Christmas Tree in Pittsburgh

Recycle Christmas Tree

First, if you put your tree at the curb – the City will take it, but it will NOT be recycled.  That’s very important. I had a chat with a local organization that used to recycle trees and they told me it is not a very profitable endeavor – essentially they  chip the trees into […]

Five Things I Did To Make Myself a Merry Christmas

donation coat and blanket

I answered the daily prompt about writing a note when I’ve visited a new place. This year, I worked hard for Christmas. Not shopping, cleaning or cooking. I worked hard on my attitude. And it paid off. The holidays are really hard for so many of us, an emotional flashpoint for anxiety, depression, addiction and […]

Forgiveness (and Peace) Begin With Me

forgiveness Christmas

The Prompt: Share a story where it was very difficult for you to forgive the perpetrator for wronging you, but you did it — you forgave them. So – wow. This is a very difficult question to address. Forgiveness is not my strong suit. I’m more of a ‘let’s pretend everything is okay’ type – but […]

Saturday Memory: Emmet Otter’s Jug Band Christmas

Emmet Otter

Who is with me on this one? Jim Henson created this from a children’s book. It aired on HBO in 1978 and then on ABC in 1980. I was 8 and we might have had HBO in 1978, but it is more likely that I saw it on ABC in 1980. I have no idea […]

Saturday Memory: Christmas on Walton’s Mountain

Like most folks in their 40’s and above, I grew up watching wholesome television like “Walton’s Mountain” – a CBS family drama that aired from 1972 to 1981. I probably only watched the final 3 or 4 seasons and caught the remainder in reruns. I was fascinated by the time period – it was like […]

GLCC Issues Emergency Appeal for Donations of Blankets, Coats

Pittsburgh homeless

Pittsburgh’s Gay and Lesbian Community Center (GLCC) has been collecting “Winter Gear” for several months as part of its commitment to the Service Access for Youth (SAY) coalition. This coalition of 22 organizations and businesses provides physical, emotional, and social supports for homeless youth, including LGBTQ youth. The Winter Gear drive has also been able […]

Being Irrational About the Holidays

It doesn’t bother me when someone says “I read/listened to you and I need more information because I don’t understand how to be helpful.” In fact, that is a terrific response because it indicates that someone is trying to understand, wants to be helpful and is willing to invest a little time and energy into […]

How Do We Measure Christmas? The AFA Reduces the Reason for the Season to a Sign

I find it amusing when the American Family Association gets into a pantry twist about saying “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas” … and so its a predictable giggle when they release their “Naughty and Nice” list of retailers each year. Criteria – AFA reviewed up to four areas to determine if a company was […]