Former Corbett Admin Deputy Secretary Compares Lesbian to Anti-Semite

This is priceless. I wrote a blog post reviewing a local fish fry at Most Holy Name of Jesus Catholic parish in Troy Hill. Apparently, the fact that I set foot in a Catholic church offended someone (technically, I was just in the social hall but whatevs.)   Mr. Philip Abromats was until March last […]

PA Governor Corbett States Support for Non-Discrimination Legislation

Corbett Pennsylvania

In a move that implies the changing dynamics of Pennsylvania, Governor Tom Corbett announced his support for legislation that would expand non-discrimination protection to the LGBTQ community. HB 300 and its companion bill would expand the scope of the state Human Relations Law to include sexual orientation and gender identity in matters of employment, housing […]

Governor Corbett Compares Same Sex Marriage to Incest

Corbett Pennsylvania

So yesterday we learn that a County Commissioner from Lehigh County compared domestic partners (and same sex married people) to pets. Today, Governor Corbett lowered the bar back to comparing our relationships to incest. The context?  He was taking responsibility for the inappropriate comparison of same sex marriage to child marriage, claiming that “a brother […]

Rallies for Public Education, Transit This Week in Pittsburgh

Sunday afternoon marks the “Rally for Public Education 2013” at the Kelly Strayhorn Theater in East Liberty. The organizers plan to review the public education elements in the Corbett Budget and discuss the ongoing battle to preserve quality public education resources for all children. Featuring: • performances by Anne Feeney, Vanessa German, the Squirrel Hillbillies, and […]

Breaking: PA School District Approves Domestic Partner Benefits for Employees

In an era of intense scrutiny of the public school systems in Pennsylvania, it is heartening to see that the belt tightening necessitated by the Corbett Administration’s gutting of public education funding does not stop school districts from treating their employees fairly.  This press release from Equality PA proves that the tide is in favor […]

Melissa Etheridge “Pittsburgh Pride Showed Me The Money”

Dear God, I’m going to get reamed for focusing on this quote, but seriously … Melissa Etheridge made her Pridefest debut in Pittsburgh this month and it was apparently a terrific show, but my skepticism was confirmed by a  quote she gave to PG music editor Scott Mervis: She repeated that she played this fest, […]