On this day in 2024, I came home after six months of being homeless. And now I need your help.

While not the Ides of March, today is auspicious – marking one year since I returned to my home after 6+ months of homelessness. This is an important milestone because I worked really hard to make it happen (with a lot of help, of course) and because almost no one thought it would. I was […]

But I want you to know, after all these years … honoring my 21st anniversary

The world of queer relationships and queer anniversaries is complicated by the states decades of oppression of our rights to simply create a family with the person we love. For those who came of age after 2015, it may not make much sense. The queer anniversary is a complicated dynamic. We have a lot of […]

Snacktime in the Meadow of Love: My Third Wedding Anniversary

Today is the third anniversary of my wedding. Yet, I am alone at my friends’ home and assume my wife is at work. Happy anniversary! Yesterday, I looked at our wedding album, reread the newspaper coverage of the wedding, and – even though I was sad – I remembered how happy and excited I felt […]

So Guess Who Found An Entire Archive of Domestic Registry Documents in the Basement?

So … guess what was found in the basement of the City-County Building? Yes, all of the Domestic Partner Registry affidavits. No copies kept anywhere else and they only went looking b/c someone (ahem) raised a stink. So now we have 16 days to complete the rest of the process. Things we’ve learned 1. Repositories […]

Vote on PA “Marriage Amendment” Delayed

Tuesday AM. The Pennsylvania House Committtee on State Government was scheduled to vote on HB 1434 which started the ball rolling on a proposed constitutional amendment to define marriage. etc etc etc. Today, that ball didn’t go anywhere. Again. Debate on the proposed constitutional amendment banning same-sex unions was put off until a dateTBD. The […]