Spying on the appropriation of the ‘real’ James Bond with City Theatre

THE REAL JAMES BOND…WAS DOMINICAN closes this weekend at City Theatre. I think you should check it out. While I am no James Bond fan, I do appreciate his legacy in contemporary culture so the title caught my attention. Turns out Porfirio Rubirosa, a Dominican diplomat, race car driver, soldier and polo player who’s believed to […]

Latinx Perspective on the #AMPLIFY Project

Latinx Western Pennsylvania

Yesterday, we published a terrific #AMPLIFY contribution from Chi Chi who is a 47 year queer Latina living in Pittsburgh. Chi Chi is from Panama, but grew up about a mile from where I grew up – we went to different schools and never met. Until #AMPLIFY. We have plans to meet in person next […]

Nayck, 50, Identifies As a Black Gay Domini-rican in Pittsburgh #AMPLIFY

Gay Pittsburgh

  Name: Nayck Age: 50 County of Residence: Allegheny County, previously Philadelphia Preferred Pronouns: he/him/his How do you describe your identity? That can be a loaded question. I was born in the US, of Dominican parents and grew up in Puerto Rico. I’m of African descent, and consider myself gay. I guess that makes me a black, gay Domini-rican. Please […]