This Pittsburgh Pet Food Pantry Running Out of Cat Food

50 households caring for 650 cats. That’s how many folx are enrolled in The John P. Ruffing VMD Memorial Pet Food Pantry. And we do not have enough food to distribute for November. Obviously we don’t try to feed all 650 cats, but we do try to give something to each household. They are colony […]

Countdown to the #BackYardSale: Go Back To Bed!

where to donate cat beds

Next on our list of items for (back)YardSale to benefit #PghCatFolx are cat beds. A bed is a very personal item to pass along. I find it very hard. But important. Lots of sizes and styles, some modeled here. Beds can be especially comfy for sick or injured cats, litters of foster kittens, aging animals, […]

Watch The Video Interview Where Burgh Vivant Magazine Asked Me if I Was a Lady or a Dame

The lovely folx at Autostraddle dug up archival footage I had almost forgotten. This is the semi-regular post where I ask you for money to support this work. But it’s more palatable with fun historical content especially a video where I describe myself as a dame of blogging. Blogs cost money. I don’t have a […]

I fail donors with complete self-awareness and no actual misgivings

I love the idea of supporting creators with a modest sustaining gift. Each month, a titch of my income goes to Substack subscriptions, some Act Blue candidates, and Patreon. Donors keep the interesting stuff happening. How I Waded In To The Pond of Promotion So I set up my own Patreon. Immediately hit a wall. […]

How to make this blog sustainable

GoFundMe Venmo @pghlesbian Cash App $Pghlesbian Steel City Snowflakes

This is How Your Benevolence Keeps Us In Business

It has been a challenging six months for the blog and this blogger. We just started our 19th year of blogging in December. We were honored for that milestone by the Pennsylvania State Senate and the Pittsburgh City Council. Also, we were nominated again in the Oustanding Blog category of the GLAAD Media Awards. And […]

Celebrating 18 Years of Blogging at Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents

As I have said, on Friday, December 29, we celebrated a huge milestone – 18 years of blogging and the start of our 19th year of blogging. What does that look like? 6,140 blog posts – I published them, but I didn’t write them all. 330+ posts were created by the #AMPLIFY contributors. That’s 341 […]

The Chilly Return of the Steel City Snowflakes


They are back … Why Steel City Snowflakes? I’m proud to be a snowflake. It certainly doesn’t feel like a slur. Snowflakes are sturdy, powerful, and flexible. They change form. And as a cluster, they can shut down anything. How Does It Work? In 2020, we created the Steel City Snowflakes project. The dedicated web page on […]

How to Save This Blog: Support This Blog

Save the Blog

Recent events have made it clear that this 18 year old blog could be in peril. That would mean the loss of thousands of blog posts chronicling LGBTQ narratives from Pittsburgh, Western PA, and beyond. This includes over 300 stories in the #AMPLIFY project, 350 memorial posts honoring our trans neighbors, and hundreds of posts […]

It’s Been 36 Days And I’m Still Fighting Back

Pgh Lesbian Correspondents

Good morning, my friends and readers. First, I am still safe with friends. They are feeding a rotating array of vegetarian foods – soup, pasta, even a tofurkey dinner. I’ve only had meat 2 times. To be fair, it is easier to eat vegetarian when other people are preparing the food. But I feel physically […]