Are you seeing this blog post? Great, let’s get more social

Recently, I changed the settings on our Jetpack subscription tool to send out a snip of each post with a link to read more. The email you receive gives you the option of reading the post at the blog or in a WordPress reader. And you can of course use your preferred RSS reader directly. […]

This Past Week Pittsburgh Donated 823 Pounds of Dry and 736 Cans of Cat Food

Kudos to you, Pittsburgh and dear readers. In a short period of time, you donated enough cat food supplies to stock the Dr. John P. Ruffing DMV Pet Food Pantry through the end of April (and perhaps beyond.) Every month, we try to provide 12-15 pounds of dry and 20 cans of wet food to […]

How to Prepare Winter Weather Shelters for the Cat Colony

Yesterday, I got the winter shelters ready for the cats. Sort of. I use airline dog crates XXL, held together with zip ties, and covered with one of those warm but thin quilt type blankets. The crates and quilts/blankets were also donated. I bought the zip ties. Winter will soon be here. Inside each shelter […]

Nine Reasons to Save This Blog Right Now

Reasons to support saving this blog Political Q&A’s – for six years, I’ve interviewed a who’s who of regional politicos, from a US Senator to behind the scenes folx who make the campaign magic happen. I’ve brought to light countless out LGBTQ elected officials and asked tough, but fair questions. Memorial Post for Trans Neighbors […]

Cat and Critter Pics From Fort Faulsey

Sweet cat photos sleeping, eating, and looking askance at me. Donations are quite welcome to feed and accommodate the community and foster cats. We really need a new heated water dish, three feeding stations, two deck/patio boxes, and dry cat food. Our #PghCatFolx need litter, dry & wet food, and clean towels.

#PghCatFolx Collecting Donations of Cat Stuff to Support Neighbors

This is our new storage unit, filled with pieces of a shed we’ll erect in the spring. “ We” is Pittsburgh LGBTQ Charities#PghCatFolx projects There’s plenty of room for your gently used pet items that we will distribute to cat colony caretakers, rescue groups, and pet owners. This is the precursor to our Free Pet […]

Help Find a Sick Cat on the Northside

I don’t have a photo because this little one is artful at the dodging. BUT there’s a little kitty on the Northside who is on her own and needs to be trapped for veterinary care. She’s clearly underweight according to those who have seen her. There’s no visible colony near where she lives. We have […]

#ManchesterCatTrap To Help Emergency Rescue of 19 Kittens from Clairton

The foster group that Laura and I work with is called Pittsburgh C.A.T. which is affiliated with the Homeless Cat Management Team. They are not officially involved in the #ManchesterCatTrap, but have been a great source of support. This weekend, we received a notice that two of the most experienced trappers had gone to Clairton […]

My Best Friend, Dr. John Ruffing

When people talk about their best friends or when I see besties on a TV show, I cringe. I don’t have a best friend. I have my wife. I have lovely good friends who are importantly intertwined into my lifeweb. I’m not lonely. I had a best friend and today is his birthday. Or it […]

Patreons, PayPal, and Prose


I have six patrons through the Patreon site and four sustaining monthly donors through Paypal. One is for $10, the rest are $5 and $1. Collectively and individually, they make my heart soar. Such flight of fancy language, but I’m not exaggerating. To know that these ten people care enough about the work that we […]