This Past Week Pittsburgh Donated 823 Pounds of Dry and 736 Cans of Cat Food

Kudos to you, Pittsburgh and dear readers. In a short period of time, you donated enough cat food supplies to stock the Dr. John P. Ruffing DMV Pet Food Pantry through the end of April (and perhaps beyond.) Every month, we try to provide 12-15 pounds of dry and 20 cans of wet food to […]

She Donated Cat Dental Treats for Each Colony Caretaker

Amy has been my friend since at least 1974 when we both started kindergarten. She shared her home with a cat, a dog, and a granddog on occasion. She saw my post about the holiday pet food drive and responded. Her donation included a bag of dental treats for each of our households. What a […]

Gertie Goes to the Garage

On Tuesday, Gertie refused to start. For first time readers, Gertie aka St. Gertrude is the Land Rover Defender a friend lent me. Because he could. On Wednesday, I called AAA. My service provider Josh was absolutely thrilled to see the “coolest vehicle I’ve ever serviced.” Sadly, Josh was unable to get her started and […]

Was Dr. John P. Ruffing Your Veterinarian? Celebrate His Birthday!

Dr. John P. Ruffing

He would be 58 on Wednesday Sometimes, I wonder how life would be if he had lived past the age of 41. But then I realize that is pointless. I am pretty sure he would not read my blog (all the reading!) and would proud of my awards. I have countless stories. Right now, I’m […]