Reasons to Suck It Up Buttercup, Read Your Damn Email

You need to read your email. And not wait for me to poke you on another platform to read your email. It isn’t fair to expect me – in crisis mode, as you know – to manage so many communication tools to keep body and soul together Everyone has their favorite. Most of them are […]

When A Manager Send You Pornographic Email

Porn Email

While debate rages over the “inappropriate email” scandal in Harrisburg, I am reminded of one much-overlooked fact: this happens to a lot of us in our workplaces. And it is not a pleasant experience, precisely because it typically reflects deeper things about the workplace culture rather than a one time “whoops” scenario. Here’s what’s happening […]

Facebook Is Not For Professional Communication

You know how much I adore social media. Facebook is one of my favorite tools in the whole world … somewhere between Android and being in control of the remote. But I just “go nuts” when people use Facebook’s email as a tool of professional communication. First, it is difficult to format messages so what […]