Is it my job to make Facebook a safe space? Or should you help?

Dear friends, The Facebook page for my blog has garnered a lot of new followers these past months. And that’s great. Of course I want people to read my original content and engage the content I spend hours amplifying every day. Along with new followers comes new haters. They post rude, nasty, and vicious comments […]

Man Threatens to ‘Track Me Down’ for a ‘Physical Discussion’ in Response to My Trans Affirming Content

“I’m on my way out anyway. I will find people affiliate with you. I do not stop for protesters. I will run through you” Content Note: threats of violence, transgender content, police Over 20 years of blogging and activism, I have been thrashed and trashed from many corners. I’ve had mean, vicious comments, email, postal […]

Social media is how I’m showing up this week

Someone asked me how I’m showing up to resist and defy the traumatic chaos seeping out of the White House. Fair question, my friend. So I’ve had pneumonia, still do. That’s dampened my capacity to engage in critical thinking activities, but I am on the mend. I’m trying to continue mending by not moving too […]

Follow Me on All of These Social Media Platforms

Follow Lesbian Social Media

Please follow me on all the social media. I post pretty often. Instagram is my preferred spot, but I’m learning the others. How about you? Bluesky Mastodon Pghlesbian Tumblr @pghlesbian Where am I missing?

I’ve Been Hacked by Russians and Quarantined By COVID-19

Are you kidding me? When we came back from our trip to Western New York and Erie, I tested positive for COVID-19. I wasn’t terribly sick just felt cruddy. Then I was better for a week until I twisted my knee. That sucked. Then my Facebook account was hacked by a Russian based email address […]

I’ve Been Hacked: Day Two

My story is sad to tell. A Facebook ne’er do well. That mixed up Russian hacker from the Urals My future’s so unclear now What’s left of my career now? Can’t even get a trade in on my URL. At least I still have my blog. Sigh. Since Friday evening, I have reached out to […]

If you walk away, I will follow

Pittsburgh Famous

Today is #FollowFriday which is something I just made up last week. I’ll post a video with some riff on “follow’ and you will return the favor by following me on social media. It is where I post tons and tons of cool links to all sorts of great reads. Plus, I have a dream […]

Rural PA LGBTQ&A with OutIndiana from Indiana County, Pennsylvania

This is part of a new occasional series exploring LGBTQ organizing in rural Pennsylvania communities. After our recent driving trip through the PA Wilds communities, I was impressed that after an almost complete lack of queer visibility, a slew of new LGBTQ projects unfolded in my feed – a Pride event in Elk County, a Pride parade […]

Coping with Four Facebook Bans over Eight Days, Personally and Professionally

Social media bans silence political bloggers

  This morning, I was notified that I have a 24-hour ban from Facebook. It is my fourth ban in an eight day span. There’s no explanation, there’s no clarity on exactly which Community Standards I violated, there’s no information. And there’s no way to compel Facebook to do anything. So I’m not going to […]

More on the Murder of Bianca Devins

Bianca Devins homicide

  Content Note: misogyny, graphic violence,   The fallout of the murder of 17-year-old Bianca Devins continues as brutal, graphic images of her dead body continue to make their way across social media channels. Mainstream media outlets report that Instagram, 4chan, discord and possibly more are unable to keep up with the viral nature of […]