Oh, I Burn Bridges But They Seem To Self-Resurrect …
[fb_embed_post href=”null/” width=”null”/][fb_embed_post href=”https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10152316428822915&set=a.51748387914.76697.611512914&type=1&stream_ref=10/” width=”550″/]
[fb_embed_post href=”null/” width=”null”/][fb_embed_post href=”https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10152316428822915&set=a.51748387914.76697.611512914&type=1&stream_ref=10/” width=”550″/]
Teach Your (Bloggers) Well We all know how to do something well — write a post that teaches readers how to do something you know and/or love to do. Something I know how to do well is use social media and Internet research to help me solve problems. I don’t mean to just Google an […]
Yesterday, I reported on the interesting (to me at least) situation of Facebook refusing my money to promote a pretty great picture of LGBTQ community leader, Rick Allison wearing a God Hates Jags shirt. I took the photo so I’m the best person to determine if its great, right? Facebook said “NO” and I filled […]
So if God Hates Jags and Facebook rejects a paid post that says so, does that mean Facebook does not hate jags or that they might even like jags? Could Facebook secretly be teaming up with the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette to redeem the jagoff? Do you think anyone at Facebook HQ knows what a jag is? […]
This post fuses two interesting themes. Did the great avatar swap on Facebook have any impact? US Senators are now coming out in support of marriage equality, 9 Democrats left. So yes – you can demonstrate that changing your avatar had an impact, on you. How? By contacting US Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) and […]
When you post up, down, all around … well, okay, that’s hard to work into this theme. But we are closing in on 500 likes on our Facebook page. Can you help us reach the goal this month? Click on the logo OR use the like box in the right hand column. What do you […]
Imagine if each person who has posted something about gun control in the past 6 days were to make one purchase – large or small – from Dick’s Sporting Goods? As you may know, Dick’s has suspended the sale of certain semiautomatic weapons in all of its stores and pulled all guns from the store […]
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