Facebook Takes Another Step Toward Equality; Still Hung Up On Words

Facebook is evolving.   Facebook, the world’s largest online social network, has taken another step toward LGBT-inclusiveness, introducing same-sex icons for users to select from when adding marriage events to their profile’s timeline. Previously, the marriages between gay couples were marked by the default “bride and groom” icon. That’s good. Images matter. But I don’t […]


How I spent my Saturday night. After a matinee and dinner, Ledcat went to Target and I came home to assume critter care duties, et al. When she got home, we unloaded and I discovered that a large bottle of Tide retailed for $18!!!!!! Thank goodness I had a $2 coupon, but seriously? So I […]

Facebook Is Not For Professional Communication

You know how much I adore social media. Facebook is one of my favorite tools in the whole world … somewhere between Android and being in control of the remote. But I just “go nuts” when people use Facebook’s email as a tool of professional communication. First, it is difficult to format messages so what […]

Cynthia Nixon is Entitled To Her Own Identity

Cynthia Nixon is Entitled To Her Own Identity

People. Shrieking and pulling apart Cynthia Nixon’s comments about bisexuality and gay is just tiresome. Relax. The world will not end because Cynthia Nixon has experienced and reacted to biphobia within the LGBTQ community. Guess what? We are biphobic. I can name at least a dozen women I know who have made repeated disparaging comments […]

Take Our LGBTQ Social Media 101 Survey!

Take Our LGBTQ Social Media 101 Survey!

I am personally fascinated by the intersection of social media with social justice. From the use of Twitter during the recent uprisings throughout the Middle East to the Occupy movement, it is all abuzz. But on a microlevel, I have people say “I get like 4 links to your posts every day by Twitter, Facebook, […]

Happy 6th Blogoversary to Us!

Happy 6th Blogoversary to Us!

Here we are again … celebrating another year of blogging lesbian Pittsburgh. Yeah, I don’t really know what that means but it seems catchy. I was pondering the impact of my most recent year of blogging.  I haven’t been consistent, but I’ve been paying attention even when its been a little silent around here. Here […]

Help Sue Become a “Bebian” by Catching Bieber Fever to Help Hunger

I’m on a quest. Since learning that Justin Bieber is a food pantry advocate and that his own family used a pantry to supplement their food needs until Justin got his big break, I’ve made a pledge to listen to his holiday album “Under the Mistletoe” all the way through for each new like our […]

Update on FourSquare and Facebook Responses to Gay Bashing, Sexism

Well, there’s nothing good to report Facebook has had multiple people report three separate status updates that contain the phrase “Hag Bag Headquarters welcome to whore ville (sic) all dykes welcome” but they have yet to remove the posts.  Interestingly, when I tried to do a status update about this topic, it would not let […]

Are Foursquare and Facebook Taking Gay Bashing Seriously?

Are Foursquare and Facebook Taking Gay Bashing Seriously?

A few months ago, a man I’ve never met (we went to same high school, several years apart) was upset because I reported him to Facebook for posting anti-gay content. I blocked him after a bit, then heard from mutal friends that he was posting negative comments about me, including being an mentally ill unstable […]



In an earlier post, I shared some recent experiences being gay bashed on the FourSquare.com website by a man I’ve never met. He established a fake venue to mock my volunteer work and described our home as “whoreville all dykes welcome.” 5 other people validated this offensive conduct by “checking in” to the site. No […]