What Is The Key to Getting Myself Home Again?

After five weeks have passed, I’m thinking a little more down the road including finding the key to go back home. So many of my rights and liberties were taken from me or violated that I am determined to lean into every right I can, cling tightly, and keep my eyes wide open for other […]

UPDATED Decision Day PA: What Happens After The Marriage Equality Ruling(s)

marriage equality PA

Marriage equality has come to Pennsylvania after a decision was handed down today. A stay was not issued, but we encourage you to read this FAQ by the ACLU of Pennsylvania for more information. More details coming after tonight’s Decision Day Rally.   Congratulations to Oregon! From Freedom to Marry: Eighteen states – CA, CT, […]

Pgh LGBTQ Vigil – The Wrong Straight Man?

More than 100 people turned out Wednesday for a vigil following the final day of argument on marriage equality before the Supreme Court. It was freezing and rainy/snowy and basically not a fun time – but it was still great. The crowd was diverse, the signs were fun and I’ll let the photos speak for […]