How To Fold A Tote Bag (Project)

Tell us about a time things came this close to working out… but didn’t. What happened next? Would you like the chance to try again, or are you happy with how things eventually worked out? This is a prompt guaranteed to launch a thousand “what might have been” tales of woe and heartache. Once upon a time, […]

Being Struck By Lightning Helped Lighten Their Loads

tote bags food bank

The Prompt: Tell us about a time you’d been trying to solve a knotty problem — maybe it was an interpersonal problem, a life problem, a big ol’ problem — and you had a moment of clarity when the solution appeared to you, as though you were struck by lightening. OK, so first I have […]

Thank You For Being a Friend, Ya Jagoff

A week ago, I discovered my CRV had a broken window – likely due to the brick resting ever so gently against the seat inside the car. Broken glass everywhere. We called the police, contacted insurance, filed reports, notified the neighbors, etc. Then we cleaned out the car. Sigh. I had a carton of reusable […]

Dan Savage, The Slog Raise Nearly $30,000 for Food Pantry – Make Sure People KNOW LGBTQ Folks Welcome at Pgh Pantries

Dan Savage, The Slog Raise Nearly $30,000 for Food Pantry – Make Sure People KNOW LGBTQ Folks Welcome at Pgh Pantries

I was poking around tonight and found this series of posts on The Slog website. I love that people can win dinner with Dan Savage for donating to a hunger relief organization. I would donate and I work for a hunger relief organization. I love that they picked up on the article in Slate about […]