You Might Be Paranoid, But You Still Might Be Right – Here’s How To Find Out

Social Media

Teach Your (Bloggers) Well We all know how to do something well — write a post that teaches readers how to do something you know and/or love to do. Something I know how to do well is use social media and Internet research to help me solve problems. I don’t mean to just Google an […]

Update on FourSquare and Facebook Responses to Gay Bashing, Sexism

Well, there’s nothing good to report Facebook has had multiple people report three separate status updates that contain the phrase “Hag Bag Headquarters welcome to whore ville (sic) all dykes welcome” but they have yet to remove the posts.  Interestingly, when I tried to do a status update about this topic, it would not let […]

Are Foursquare and Facebook Taking Gay Bashing Seriously?

A few months ago, a man I’ve never met (we went to same high school, several years apart) was upset because I reported him to Facebook for posting anti-gay content. I blocked him after a bit, then heard from mutal friends that he was posting negative comments about me, including being an mentally ill unstable […]


In an earlier post, I shared some recent experiences being gay bashed on the website by a man I’ve never met. He established a fake venue to mock my volunteer work and described our home as “whoreville all dykes welcome.” 5 other people validated this offensive conduct by “checking in” to the site. No […]

Lesbian Bashing on FourSquare

Hey, this is fun. I logged into FourSquare after a three month hiatus and found that someone had set up a new “venue” at my house … Hag Bag Headquarters “Welcome to whore ville all dykes get in free.” (sic … on so many levels.) Well, isn’t that nice? The Mayor of Hag Bag Headquarters […]