The Bible That Got Away From Me

Think of a time you let something slide, only for it to eat away at you later. Tell us how you’d fix it today. It was August 1995. My good friends Charles and Julie were getting married. I traveled from Pittsburgh to their home in Atlanta (yes, in August) for the wedding. I was a […]

The Art and Science of Unmaking Friends

Pittsburgh friends

Do you find it easy to make new friends? Tell us how you’ve mastered the art of befriending a new person. The fastest way in the world to shed yourself of a friend is to tell them the truth – the truth about your diagnosis, the truth about your needs and expectations, the truth about […]

Five Thing Fridays: Inaugural Edition

I read a blog post today that explored the difference between depression and unhappiness. I tell you this because it is important to know that there are some things you can’t practice your way out of. Depression, which is mistakenly used as the antonym to happiness, cannot be cured with a gratitude journal. But it […]