Daryl Metcalfe Gay Bashes Dan Smith Jr’s Husband #Midterms2018

Daryl Metcalfe anti-LGBTQ

For almost 20 years, Daryl Metcalfe has been employed by the residents of the 12th State House District of Pennsylvania to represent them in the PA General Assembly. He has amassed quite an impressive record of obstructionist, racist hate and not so much a record of effectively working with his district leaders to address issues […]

Should The Rex Bring a Neo Folk Group With Fascist Ties to Pittsburgh?

The Rex Pittsburgh

SECOND UPDATE – The show will not be cancelled. Read more. UPDATED Just four days after a huge civil rights victory for the LGBTQ community, I learn that a Pittsburgh promoter is bringing a white supremacist, fascist act to the South Side next week. The group is called “Death in June” (that’s ominous for queer […]

In 2014, I Plan to Spend Time With A Lot of White Straight Men

Sue Kerr Bill Peduto

When you look back at your blog on January 2, 2015, what would you like to see? My exclusive interview with Executive Editor of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette David Shribman about language, media and style guides. Follow up on the investigations into the assault of two queer women of color at Margaritaville, two queer white men […]

Photos from LGBTQ Rally in Lawrenceville

I’m still working on my write-up of the rally itself – I hope to have some constructive, next-step news early this week. In the meantime, you can take a look at the photo I took at the rally. Click on this photo to go to the entire album.

Manager of Bar Where Alleged Queer Bashing Happened Needs to Talk With Police, Not Survivors

This caught my eye in a City Paper blog post about the recent alleged queer bashing at Margaritaville on the South Side. At least one other in the group suffered minor injuries and an employee of the bar was also injured but not hospitalized, according to Brad Rizzo, the bar’s manager, according to PLCB records. […]

Spirit Day – Oct 19

This Friday marks Spirit Day– a day when allies wear purple to speak out against bullying and support LGBTQ youth. You can learn more by visiting the Spirit Day page at GLAAD. Why is this important? Well, today I learned that a young girl in a local school took her life and I have to […]

Why is Bob Evans Homophobic?

I know you are probably wondering why I am eating at Bob Evans? Especially when there’s a great Indian place across the street and a Mexican place down the block. Well, Bob Evans is comfort food. It is somewhere my family went all of the time and somewhere I could feel … safe? I knew […]

Trayvon Martin and This Lesbian Perspective

Like you, I was horrified to learn about the death  murder of Trayvon Martin at the hands of a man who was way over the top in his zeal to be a quasi law enforcement officer, a zeal infused with racist attitudes that led to the death of a young man doing nothing wrong. I […]

Are Foursquare and Facebook Taking Gay Bashing Seriously?

A few months ago, a man I’ve never met (we went to same high school, several years apart) was upset because I reported him to Facebook for posting anti-gay content. I blocked him after a bit, then heard from mutal friends that he was posting negative comments about me, including being an mentally ill unstable […]


In an earlier post, I shared some recent experiences being gay bashed on the FourSquare.com website by a man I’ve never met. He established a fake venue to mock my volunteer work and described our home as “whoreville all dykes welcome.” 5 other people validated this offensive conduct by “checking in” to the site. No […]