Pgh City Council Votes to Update Trans Non-Discrimination Protections

  Something very interesting took place in Pittsburgh City Council today – they directly addressed a matter of transgender municipal equality for the first time in history. The issue is non-discrimination which Pittsburgh City Council first took up as far back as the late 1980’s. In 1990, the City amended the Human Relations Ordinance to […]

Why the Pittsburgh Dyke Trans March Is Necessary For Survival

Pittsburgh Dyke Trans March

For 8 years, I have watched and participated in the growth of Pittsburgh’s Dyke and Trans March (formerly known as the Dyke March), an effort led by the steady and dedicated investment of Eli Kuti, a local feminist trans man. I am not an event organizer. I did not shape the mission statement and I […]

Four Ways to Support the Pgh Dyke and Trans March

Pittsburgh Dyke March

The Pittsburgh Dyke and Trans March is coming up on Saturday June 21 in Bloomfield.  Schedule of events at the end of this post. Hope to see you there – wrap up Pride with a great community building event that claims visibility for queer women and the trans community. Here’s how you can show your […]

Another Fail by the Post-Gazette on Coverage of Trans Issues

Richland School District will not allow Kasey Caron to run for Homecoming King because Kasey was identified as biologicaly female at birth. School board solicitor Timothy Leventry says Pennsylvania law requires a person born female to have a physician certify a sex change operation and have her birth certificate changed to legally be considered male. […]