Welcome To Our New Blogger – Jennifer Tyrrell

We are pleased to welcome our new guest blogger to Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents – Jennifer Tyrrell. As you may recall, Jennifer is an Ohio based lesbian who skyrocketed to national attention when she challenged the Boy Scouts of America about their homophobia. Like many parents, Jennifer had volunteered as a den leader and had received a […]

Rebel Who Found Her Cause

When thinking about what to write for this blog, I was faced with a decision. Do I really want people to know the “real” me?? I so often use humor and sarcasm to keep people at a “safe distance”, emotionally speaking. Do I really wanna let people “in” or should I just amuse them with […]

Our Session at Podcamp Pittsburgh – Fairness and Accuracy in Language

So … many months ago PG columnist Tony Norman used the term “sexual preference” in an otherwise positive column. When I called him on it, he explained that it was simply a matter of language evolving and that sexual orientation was the newest terminology. After some back and forth, he agreed to take a gander […]

NetRoots Nation 2012 – Reporting From The LGBT Pre-Conference

Greetings from Providence. It is somewhat chilly here, but what a beautiful town. We are near the capitol building in a fancy, schmancy hotel with a great view and no vending machines (i know, i know.) After a 15 hour travel saga that was mostly uneventful thanks to Megabus, we made it here and spent […]

The Proliferance of the Non-Apology

Drarun Ravi has elected to begin his 30 day sentence and issued an apology. “I accept responsibility for and regret my thoughtless, insensitive, immature, stupid and childish choices that I made on Sept. 19, 2010, and Sept. 21, 2010. My behavior and actions, which at no time were motivated by hate, bigotry, prejudice or desire […]

Friends Don’t Describe Friends as Homosexuals

This week has brought out an array of interesting allies to the LGBTQ community. I’ve watched all sorts of folks respond to the vote for bigotry in NC and the President’s statement (and the Vice President’s statement earlier in the week) with a mixture of delight and surprise. Most of the people I know seem […]

Pgh Public Radio News Show Talks Marriage Equality With Tony Norman

I’m still puzzled by the lack of local LGBT voices in the media coverage. Clearly, that’s an issue we need to address as a community. But I was quite intrigued to learn that a man I greatly admire, Tony Norman, would be appearing on today’s Essential Pittsburgh to discuss the President’s statement on marriage equality. […]

Barney Frank AND Chris Matthews Relentless on Religious Values with Tony Perkins

This is pretty awesome. Congressman Barney Frank and commentator Chris Matthews really push back on Family Research Council’s Tony Perkins religious defense of his bigotry.   You may know this already but GLAAD has an interesting project called CAP – Commentator Accountability Project. They essentially make sure the media is aware of the bias and […]

CBS Affiliate in Pittsburgh Airs “Man on the Street” Response to Obama’s Support for Marriage Equality

I am was so proud of KDKA. They had been very open to feedback from GLAAD on their coverage and did a nice job tonight covering the Obama story with less than one hour’s time to prep. The segments with actual political coverage were woefully inadequate. They went for sensational partisanship over the actual news. Reporter […]

Pgh Media Coverage on LGBT Issues – Words Matter

What’s your overall impression of the effectiveness of Pittsburgh’s media outlets in covering LGBT issues? Overall, I would say B-. In terms of the number of stories they cover, the depth of the stories and the attention to national issues, I would say B. The difference is the inconsistency in how they cover these stories. […]