On this day in 2024, I came home after six months of being homeless. And now I need your help.

While not the Ides of March, today is auspicious – marking one year since I returned to my home after 6+ months of homelessness. This is an important milestone because I worked really hard to make it happen (with a lot of help, of course) and because almost no one thought it would. I was […]

This is My Appeal Post

This is the post where I confuse you with my various appeals. On a personal note, I still have a GoFundMe to help with my ongoing legal expenses and my personal expenses. Quite a bit of my great reduced income goes to this blog. Income from advertising is limited and scratches only the surface. I […]

I Still Have To Take Care of Myself Right Now


I’m not fine, of course. But I’m slowly coping with this new but perhaps inevitable reality. All the things people say right, speaking past each other or to themselves. All of those things mean everything because we are alive, we are still saying things, we are still here. Marriage, single, partnered. Here we are. NaBloPoMo. […]

Honor one year of crowdfunding to help me by donating $5 to another crowdfund.

Today, I ask you to donate $5 to another crowdfund, one of your choice.  It was  one year ago that this GoFundMe crowdfund launched. It was a Saturday morning. My sleep was fitful. Waves of desperation washed over me because I could not afford a lawyer and I had no  money to even buy shoes […]

I’m the albatross. I swept in at the rescue.

Update – the Albatross Next week will mark one year since I was wrongly involuntarily civilly committed, had the locks changed to my home of 18+ years, and was officially homeless for 196 days. Just prior to those events, negligent medication management had left me toxic with something akin to serotonin syndrome. Just prior to […]

Crowded Fundraising Is My New Normal

My love/hate relationship with crowdfunding continues. In addition to supporting my blogging, I’m relying on donations to manage legal costs. Technically, I’m involved in three legal battles. First was the defamation case around the Protect Trans Kids project. Then came family court sorting out the ramifications of all that’s happened. Perhaps of most interest is […]

The reasons my blog is not sustainable. Nor am I.

My blog is not sustainable People often point out to me that my blog model is not sustainable. They seem to think this is important information for me, something I don’t know. Mediasplaining, perhaps? Should sustainability aka financial self-sufficiency define the value of media? Or the folx creating the media? Should it define anyone? Does […]

Reasons to Keep Saving This Blog (and the Blogger)

Next week, my journey will reach the six months mark. Six months since I was kicked out of my home under the pretext of a 303 involuntary civil commitment. Six months since my friends picked me up on from an intersection outside Western Psychiatric Hospital when I was released four hours later. Six months since […]

This is How Your Benevolence Keeps Us In Business

It has been a challenging six months for the blog and this blogger. We just started our 19th year of blogging in December. We were honored for that milestone by the Pennsylvania State Senate and the Pittsburgh City Council. Also, we were nominated again in the Oustanding Blog category of the GLAAD Media Awards. And […]

It’s Been 36 Days And I’m Still Fighting Back

Pgh Lesbian Correspondents

Good morning, my friends and readers. First, I am still safe with friends. They are feeding a rotating array of vegetarian foods – soup, pasta, even a tofurkey dinner. I’ve only had meat 2 times. To be fair, it is easier to eat vegetarian when other people are preparing the food. But I feel physically […]