Q&A with a 30-year Employee of a Grocery Store


I feel like my company is doing the best they can and listening to our concerns and adjusting to help us. I feel customers are not. Many of us who have worked retail and/or grocery retail in the past have some appreciation for what our neighbors in those jobs are experiencing, or perhaps more accurately, […]

Toilet Paper, Sanitizer, and Social Anxiety in a Pandemic

Toilet Paper, Grocery Shopping

Here’s what I don’t understand – why are items that are available in restricted quantities NOT available to buy online or via a curbside shopping service? Is it logistics? Too few employees to take half a delivery of TP, alcohol, and wipes and set it aside to fill deliveries/shipments and put half on the shelves? […]

I Tried Giant Eagle’s Grocery Home Delivery Service and Here’s How It Went

Giant Eagle Curbside Express Delivery

We had the week two weeks from hell dealing with #CeilingCollapse2018 and the ensuing fallout (pun – ha!) so I decided it was a time to let someone else do the necessary grocery shopping. Fitting in a trip to the store for much-needed supplies was difficult with all that was going on for both of […]

Ten Things You Can’t Buy With SNAP (Food Stamps)

Personal Care Closet Pittsburgh

  I was terrible in Home Ec (8th grade) because I had little appreciation for how practical the skills would be some day. I regret not being able to sew for sure – how much money can we save if we could even do basic sewing? I also regret not learning more about cooking. I […]

Bullies With Buggies – How Register Rage Blinds Otherwise Reasonable People to The Facts

I never really understood why or how people manage to monitor the grocery shopping habits of other people in their line.  Yes, I might glance in someone’s cart while waiting my turn in line, but I tend to look away – sort of good manners dictating that I not stare at what people are purchasing. […]