The Heaviness of Being Dependent on Other People

cold snowy day

I’ve been emotionally struggling recently, a combination of post-holiday ennui with a reflection on my current situation. Also, I miss my nephews. One reality I cannot avoid is that I am not self-sufficient. I haven’t had to think about myself as unit of independent sufficiency for 20+ years. Now I’m caught in the fallout of […]

I Still Have To Take Care of Myself Right Now


I’m not fine, of course. But I’m slowly coping with this new but perhaps inevitable reality. All the things people say right, speaking past each other or to themselves. All of those things mean everything because we are alive, we are still saying things, we are still here. Marriage, single, partnered. Here we are. NaBloPoMo. […]

(back)YardSale to benefit #PghCatFolx on Sat September 7, 2024

BackYardSale Cats Northside Manchester

COVID How It Is Going

Well, I’m still sick. I could list symptoms, but really – you know the symptoms. I do have a funky rash which seems like a gross thing to share, but could be helpful for someone reading this who says “I have a rash, too.” It is day 7 since my symptoms and day four since […]

Help Find a Sick Cat on the Northside

I don’t have a photo because this little one is artful at the dodging. BUT there’s a little kitty on the Northside who is on her own and needs to be trapped for veterinary care. She’s clearly underweight according to those who have seen her. There’s no visible colony near where she lives. We have […]

Can you lend me a laptop?

I’ve been without laptop for 24 days and it wasn’t working great for a month or so before that. My friend’s son kindly agreed to repair it because he loves cats and appreciates our work, but he’s stuck waiting on a part. For unknown period because it’s coming from overseas. He’s a lovely young man […]