My Queer Memorial Day 2024


This was my first holiday weekend at my home since the Fourth of July last year. I was living here over Easter, but spent that weekend cat sitting for friends. The death of our beloved cat companion Precious overshadowed everything so I have to take that into consideration. But I had no plans. Not good. […]

Win Tickets to See ‘Yinz ‘R Scrooged’ at Bricolage Sat Matinee

yinz 'r scrooged

This is fun. The folks at Bricolage liked our review of the holiday Midnight Radio show Yinz ‘R Scrooged so much that they offered us two tickets to giveaway for Saturday’s matinee performance. So if you’d like to win 2 tickets for a 2 PM performance on this Saturday, December 19 – do this! Leave […]

Reach OUT for the Holidays: Supporting LGBTQ Elders

  Once again, we are teaming up with the SAGE program at Persad Center to support LGBTQ elders who may not have strong family support during the holiday season. Some adults in the program struggle to meet their day to day needs because of limited incomes and resources. Homophobia, transphobia and racism in their community […]

Will Pittsburgh Save Xmas?

Holiday toy drives are complicated beasts, sayeth this veteran of ten plus years of coordinating drives. On the one hand, donating gifts for children at the holidays seems very much in line with the holidays themselves. It makes sense that kids deserve presents and that sharing our excess is a very holiday-ish thing to do. […]

The International Day of Sue Kerr – We Need a Holiday

Holiday Pittsburgh lesbian

The Prompt: You have been named supreme ruler of the universe. Your first order of business is creating and instituting a holiday or festival in your honor. What day of the year is your holiday? What special events will take place? Describe YOU DAY in as great a detail as you can muster: the special […]

Sometimes, You Holiday In a Restaurant

Sometimes we celebrated Thanksgiving at home – just me, little brother and my parents. My Mum is not a great cook, but she pulled this meal off pretty well. Sometimes, we went to my aunt’s house a few miles away. That was more “special” but also strange because there were so many people and different […]

Do You Recall The Notoriety of 1992 SNL Holiday Skit With Glenn Close as a Lesbian Mom?