Donate Your Nativity and Holiday Decorations to Make a Statement

Holiday nativity scene

In 2022, I decided to create a Nativity Scene also known as a créche in front of my home. The objective was to raise awareness of Pittsburgh LGBTQ Charities projects. People stopped. Back up a bit to 2019. My friend Sarah gifted me with a large plastic Jesus, Mary, and Joseph outdoor set. She had […]

A Green Christmas (Inflatable) Tree for Ledcat

Neon Christmas Tree Pittsburgh

So up high on the hill in Elliott is a 22 foot high neon green Christmas tree. It goes up on Light Up Night and down after New Years. Best view is from the West End Bridge, but we can see it from our house, too. Read a blurb about it from 1999 and another from 2002. 

It was originally owned by Fred Niepp, a second generation neon maker. When he closed his Downtown shop and bought the house in Elliot, he took it up with him. He sold the house  and the new occupants continues the tradition of erecting the tree each year.

Ledcat looks forward to this each year – on Light Up Night, she peeks out the second floor window as soon as it is dark and says “There’s my tree!” She looks every night and is genuinely sad when the tree goes dark for the year – that the end of Christmastime for her.

Is Krampus Coming to the White House This Year?

Melania White House

When I first saw the images from the White House Christmas decor, I immediately thought “Melania is honoring her heritage!”  Melania Trump is from Slovenia, one of several Central European-Balkan nations that include “companions” in their holiday traditions – typically frightening beasts who acommpany St. Nicholas for some reason or another, manifesting the consequences of […]