The Heaviness of Being Dependent on Other People

cold snowy day

I’ve been emotionally struggling recently, a combination of post-holiday ennui with a reflection on my current situation. Also, I miss my nephews. One reality I cannot avoid is that I am not self-sufficient. I haven’t had to think about myself as unit of independent sufficiency for 20+ years. Now I’m caught in the fallout of […]

Kick the Can: The Loneliness of Generation X Childhood

Generation X childhood

I enjoy the Generation X content across most platforms. It is funny, insightful, and nuanced. I was born in October 1970, so I am right in that solid Gen X era. The 70s were my childhood, the 80s my adolescence. Yes, I often drank water from a hose. Yes, my brother and I were left […]

Pride Anxiety

Pride Anxiety

Today is Pride. We had plans to go with a friend to see the parade and walk around the festival. Then the thoughts crept into my mind. Last night, I was fretting about the hill we’d have to walk up from our car to the festival. What if I couldn’t climb the hill? What if […]

Will It Be A ‘Long Winter’? Day 240

Fans of Little House on the Prairie books should get my reference – one entire book describes how the Ingalls family and neighbors endured from October 1880-May 1881. The book exaggerates a few facts, but is generally considered an accurate representation of the suffering and hardships endured by residents throughout the Great Plains. That book […]

On Day 225, I Feel Weary

It has been awhile since I touched base about my mental health. Overall, I’ve been steadily getting more stable since my bout of symptoms in the summer. I still have the residual effects of lithium poisoning, including unexpected twitches of my arms and legs. My p doc lowered my dose and reintroduced another mood stabilizer […]

New #ThingsToDo: a List from Eleanor, Age 6

List of Things To Do for Kids

Total Lists Submitted: 9 Total Amount Raised for Food Pantry: $90.00 (out of $1,000 possible) This is our new project #ThingsToDo where we invite youth to create and share a list of things to occupy time and cope with boredom. You’ll fine the details at this link. Your young people are welcome to participate. Here’s the cool thing – in […]

B, 28, Feels Alone As a Bisexual Person in Beaver County #AMPLIFY

  I can’t be the only one not out. I know there are more of me. Name: B Age: 28 County of Residence: Beaver County Pronouns: She preferred, he or they is also fine though. How do you describe your identity? Queer. Or just as a bisexual person. Please describe your coming out experience. Where did you find support? […]

The extra bff

When I was a child, the other girls in my neighborhood were firmly cemented into best friend pairs – Amy & Julie, Laurie & Darlene, Sherry & Meg, etc. My role was to be a back-up friend. Sometimes, I was included in group activities. Sometimes, I was called upon if the BFF was unavailable. And […]

I recently learned that I am experiencing a trauma reaction, stemming from the complex trauma I experienced as a child and young adult. I knew the trauma happened, but I had a tendency to minimize it as something not as serious as depression or anxiety. The cumulative impact of the Grand Jury Repory on Sexual […]

Kelsey, 22, Talks Lesbian Life in Elk County #AMPLIFY

Lesbian Elk County

Name:  Kelsey Age:  22 County of Residence:  Elk County, formerly Jefferson County Pronouns:  Her or she How do you describe your identity?  I’m a white lesbian Please describe your coming out experience. Where did you find support? What challenges did you face? I came out to my mom when I was 12. I had a signature on […]