The 2025 Political Q&A Series: Amanda Green-Hawkins, Candidate for Allegheny County Court of Common Pleas

Everyone is entitled to dignity and respect, people have a right to due process, and the government should help and serve the people – especially those who may lack the resources to fully participate in our society and economy. On the bench, I would see people in light of their full lives and not reduce […]

How 39 Candidates for the Allegheny Court of Common Pleas Stack Up on LGBTQIA+ Issues

There are 39 candidates for 9 openings on the Court of Common Pleas. That is a lot of people to wade through, research, and figure out whom to support. Judges matter. They make life-defining decisions for children, youth, and adults. They help to shape the courtroom culture. They shape culture, period. This is one type […]