Britney Cosby, Crystal Jackson – Their Lives As Queer Women of Color Mattered

Crystal Jackson and Britney Crosbey

The tragic murders of 24-year-old lesbian couple Britney Cosby and Crystal Jackson continues to unfold with few leads. The police are circulating a sketch and believe that the women were killed and their bodies moved to the spot where they were discovered, next to a dumpster in Galveston, Texas. There’s no indication if this crime […]

Pentagons Extends Some Domestic Partner Benefits to Same Sex Families

Here’s some good news.   Army Veteran and OutServe-SLDN Executive Director Allyson Robinson today praised outgoing Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta for his decision to extend to nearly the full extent permitted under current law the benefits available to gay and lesbian service members and their families. Though Panetta’s announcement did not include a number of important […]

Women in combat

Today Leon Panetta, Secretary of Defense, announced that women were now going to be eligible (albeit gradually) for combat positions in the United States military. This opens a wider variety of positions that can offer women better wages, benefits and skills. This decision is monumental because women, in most instances, can now be treated as […]