Fusion-That Gay Magazine!

Originally published on Huffington Post Gay Voices.  What is Fusion Magazine? I’m glaad you asked! (Yes, I know I spelled glaad with 2 a’s). It’s how I roll now! Anyway, back to Fusion. Fusion is Kent State University’s gender and sexual minority magazine. They just celebrated their 10th anniversary and I had the privilege of […]

Rob Rogers on Mike Rice

(FYI – This is NOT PORN. Editorial cartoons use humor and satire to explore news. I do not know if Rob Rogers got into his first choice college, but I doubt Mike Rice ever will.)

Does Rick Santorum Want You To Vote For This Lesbian?

Please click to vote! 

Trib Letter to the Editor Reminds Us What We Face

It is difficult for me to muster up a logical response to this type of blind ignorance. But we must find a way to counter the messages of hate (yes, hate) and bad information. There is no such thing as gay sex. Sex between consenting adults is not a sin. But Albert Hancock of New […]

Jen Tyrrell Talks Boy Scouts Survey on HuffPost Live

Our friend and contributing blogger Jennifer Tyrrell joined HuffPost Live this week to discuss the decision of the Boy Scouts to survey their members about lifting the ban on LGBTQ scouts and leaders. She’s concerned that the questions are leading and also makes a very good point that the survey response are tied to people’s […]

Eagle Scout Urges Carly Rae Jepsen to Denounce Ban on LGBTQ Youth

Boy Scouts, LGBT, Carly Rae Jepsen

This is a little odd – the Boy Scouts have hired Carly Rae Jepsen and Train to headline their annual  Scout Jamboree. Both Jepsen and the members of Train have spoken out in favor of LGBTQ equality. Jepsen’s video for “Call Me Maybe” has a gay twist at the end. ??? However, it does present […]

Update: City of Pittsburgh Blocks Lesbian Blog (Again)

Lesbian, blocked website, Pittsburgh,

As you may remember, the City of Pittsburgh began blocking this blog in October 2012 for no apparent reason – the closest I had to an official explanation was “its just crappy web filters, Sue” from a former City employee. That’s called “scoffing” and its not a very constructive response.

Does Alleged Misconduct by Pgh Police Department Impact Local LGBTQ Community?

Yes. I’ll explain. Police relationships with the LGBTQ community have never been “good”, but certainly have been sliding downhill for the past several years. Unfortunately, there’s been an escalating “vicious cycle” of non-responsiveness to LGBTQ hate crimes in the City. Police don’t respond appropriately. People don’t report or follow through with reports. Crimes remain unsolved […]

Letter to the Editor: Gays Fit to Lead

Another neighbor weighs in on the issue of equality in the Boy Scouts of America. My three sons and I have been actively involved in Boy Scouting for over 12 years. My eldest son is an Eagle Scout. Scouting has been an incredible experience for my sons, helping them to develop unparalleled leadership skills, a […]

“Being Gay is Not Okay” More LGBTQ Letters To the Tribune-Review Editor

Things are always hopping at the Trib … lots and lots of letters submitted (and published) around LGBTQ topics.  When last we checked, Rudy Gagliardi of Arnold was defending his stance that homosexuals can change their ways. And he’s not even the worst of the bigots! Five people wrote in to challenge Gagliardi’s point of […]