NaBloPoMo: It Sucks Up My Energy When You Don’t Believe Me

Tuesday, January 29, 2013 What reoccurring thought uses up a lot of your mental energy? This theme ties very nicely into an ongoing discussion I’ve been having on Facebook about being gay bashed. THAT is a thought which consumes a lot of my mental energy. Not in an obsessive think about it with anxiety every […]

LGBT Rally

Yesterday I bundled up and attended a rally for two women who self-described themselves as studs, and who were allegedly assaulted inside a South Side bar. The crowd that turned out was diverse, which is a good thing. I’m not naive to think that there still isn’t some separation between the black LGBT community and the white […]

Do You Hear the People Sing? Pittsburgh’s Latest LGBTQ Rally

Yesterday, we attended a rally to support survivors of an alleged assault that took place at a bar on Pittsburgh’s South Side. A small group of queer women reported that they were at Margaritaville, accosted by a group of six men and two of them were physically assaulted. Their crime? Being self-identified “studs” which they […]

Are You Tougher Than a Boy Scout??

While the Boy Scout discrimination never ceases to amaze me, it seems they have a new partner is bigotry. The National Geographic Channel. The channel will air a new reality show called, you guessed it, “Are You Tougher Than a Boy Scout?”. Nat Geo reps say the cable network is an equal-opportunity employer and that […]

Women in combat

Today Leon Panetta, Secretary of Defense, announced that women were now going to be eligible (albeit gradually) for combat positions in the United States military. This opens a wider variety of positions that can offer women better wages, benefits and skills. This decision is monumental because women, in most instances, can now be treated as […]

Local Opinions on All Things LGBTQ in the Tribune Review

It has been awhile since we posted opinions from local “Letters to the Editor” sections … The Tribune-Review has been hopping with a back and forth discussion about marriage equality.  First, Rudy published some sort of anti-gay screed which I can’t find online. But then Jim Harger of New Kensington responds by pointing out that […]

He Said Seneca Falls to Selma to Stonewall …

Yes, he did … We, the people, declare today that the most evident of truths – that all of us are created equal – is the star that guides us still; just as it guided our forebears through Seneca Falls, and Selma, and Stonewall; just as it guided all those men and women, sung and […]

What PFLAG Means To Me

I am not a member of PFLAG, but I have attended meetings on and off for several years. I’ve been impressed with their accomplishments at both providing much needed familial connections for LGBTQ persons and for building relationships in the community. I am very grateful for the work that PFLAG is doing in the outlying […]

Innocent Bystanders Suffer From Homophobia

This morning, I sent word about the Remember Her Name vigil to members of Pittsburgh City Council. One wrote back and sent me the notice that my site is still blocked by the City web filters, categorized as nudity and pornography. I explained the situation and hope perhaps that person will be of help. When retelling […]

Welcome To Our New Blogger – Jennifer Tyrrell

We are pleased to welcome our new guest blogger to Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents – Jennifer Tyrrell. As you may recall, Jennifer is an Ohio based lesbian who skyrocketed to national attention when she challenged the Boy Scouts of America about their homophobia. Like many parents, Jennifer had volunteered as a den leader and had received a […]