Pinning Queerly – Me and My Pinterest Boards

When I joined Pinterest, I started a set of boards for my work projects and a set for my personal life. Unfortunately (???) I defaulted to work pins because it was easier. I have to take the effort to log out and back in to post to my PghLesbian boards so I rarely do it.  […]

Don’t Forget the Aunties …

Today, good friends of ours sent a “Save the Date” for the baptism of their adopted son, EM. EM is six months old and we first met him when he was only 8 days old! We’ve also been proud to know his older brother, JJ almost since he came home at six months. It is […]

Trayvon Martin and This Lesbian Perspective

Like you, I was horrified to learn about the death  murder of Trayvon Martin at the hands of a man who was way over the top in his zeal to be a quasi law enforcement officer, a zeal infused with racist attitudes that led to the death of a young man doing nothing wrong. I […]

Vote on PA “Marriage Amendment” Delayed

Tuesday AM. The Pennsylvania House Committtee on State Government was scheduled to vote on HB 1434 which started the ball rolling on a proposed constitutional amendment to define marriage. etc etc etc. Today, that ball didn’t go anywhere. Again. Debate on the proposed constitutional amendment banning same-sex unions was put off until a dateTBD. The […]

Why Hunger and Poverty Are LGBT Issues

From the Center for American Progress Economic insecurity 20 percent: The amount of female same-sex couples who are raising children and living in poverty, compared to 9 percent of married heterosexual couples who are raising children and living in poverty $41,000: The average income of Hispanic lesbian couples—the average household income of a Hispanic heterosexual […]

The Impact of Susan G. Komen Defunding Planned Parenthood on the LGBT Community

I am sad to share that many  of the LGBTQ friends identify as pro-life. Granted, I am fine with them making their own decisions and I have plenty of straight friends who also identify as pro-life. But the right to privacy that protects my body from YOUR decision-making is also the same fundamental Constitutional right […]

“Homo Outburst” – Romney Glitter Bombed

From CBS News comes report that Romney was glitter bombed today during an appearance in Eagan, Minnesota. He brushed it of (literally – ha) as “confetti” celebrating his win, but you can imagine how smooth that came across.

More on Salvation Army

The New York Times has a nice piece up on the impact of educating the community about the discriminatory practices of the Salvation Army against the LGBTQ community. George Hood, a Salvation Army spokesman, said all revenue from Salvation Army thrift stores is used locally. But he said a small percentage of money dropped into […]


In an earlier post, I shared some recent experiences being gay bashed on the website by a man I’ve never met. He established a fake venue to mock my volunteer work and described our home as “whoreville all dykes welcome.” 5 other people validated this offensive conduct by “checking in” to the site. No […]

Two Great Stories on LGBTQ Youth

Please check out these two important articles on LGBTQ youth. First, a piece in the Boston Globe about a family’s journey with their transgender daughter. It is a wonderful story about their experiences and how supportive and loving they are with Nicole. Nicole has a twin, Jonas so they’ve been an interesting contributor to medical […]