FOUND! Nina Wyley, a 20-Year-Old Gay, Black Woman, is Missing in Pittsburgh

UPDATE – Nina has been found safe.  Nina Wyley is a 20-year-old black, gay female from East Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She’s been missing since December 6 when she was last seen in the South Side neighborhood of Pittsburgh. Her family is gravely concerned about her. Nina is 5’6″, weighs 180 lbs, and has light brown eyes. […]

Local LGBTQ Links We’ve Been Reading This Week – Dec 8

Liz Navratil and Angela Couloumbis at the Post-Gazette have a wrap-up of the calls for State Representative Daryl Metcalfe to be held accountable for his homophobic rant this week. The party is called to demote him and he is called to step down. Don’t hold your breath. Ryan Deto at the City Paper has his own […]

Mt. Lebanon Approves LGBT Nondiscrimination Ordinance, 4th in Western PA

In December 2016, residents of Mt. Lebanon gathered for a ‘Unity Rally’ in response to multiple incidents of crimes targeting vulnerable members of the community. One year later, seeds planted at this rally led to the passage of a municipal ordinance protecting the LGBTQ community from nondiscrimination. Similar to one enacted eight years ago in […]

On Being an Ally: A List of LGBT 101 Resources

LGBT 101

Recently, someone asked me to answer their LGBTQ 101 questions. After a few, I suggested links they could read. They dropped the subject. And I’ve been thinking about it ever since. Yes, I was setting a boundary because answering these questions over and over does get tiring. Sometimes I am just not up for it. […]

Butler Mayoral Election is Referendum Vote on Municipal NonDiscrimination Ordinance Says Local Trans Activist

“[The Nov 7 General Election] will be seen as a referendum vote [on nondiscrimination ordinances].  So, if it fails, no elected official will bring this back up anytime soon, in Butler or the surrounding area. If we get this passed, then it will show the neighboring municipality that it is not political suicide to bring this up and vote on it.”

Lisa, 47, is a Bi Woman Trying to Find Community in Pittsburgh #AMPLIFY

Bisexual Pittsburgh

Name: Lisa Age: 47 County of Residence: Allegheny County, previously Ohio & Puerto Rico Pronouns: She How do you describe your identity? Bi submissive white femme How would you describe yourself NOW in terms of “being out”? Please describe your coming out experience. Where did you find support? What challenges did you face? At the age of 27, I was dating a woman […]

Update Your #AMPLIFY Contribution if You Like


**THIS IS FOR UPDATES ONLY. This is NOT for first time contributors. ** Click here for the update form. First time contributors should go to this form.  #AMPLIFY has been up and running since January 2015 and collected more than 225 contributions. We know that for some folks, life has changed so we are offering an […]

Kelsey, 22, Talks Lesbian Life in Elk County #AMPLIFY

Lesbian Elk County

Name:  Kelsey Age:  22 County of Residence:  Elk County, formerly Jefferson County Pronouns:  Her or she How do you describe your identity?  I’m a white lesbian Please describe your coming out experience. Where did you find support? What challenges did you face? I came out to my mom when I was 12. I had a signature on […]

PFLAG Pittsburgh Relocates From Shadyside to PERSAD in Lawrenceville

News from PFLAG – they are relocating the meetings back to their original home at Persad Center. I’m a big fan of PFLAG. I went there soon after I came out and have been back many times, as both an attendee and a speaker. PFLAG is often on the ground in communities with no other […]

Stop enabling Delta Foundation

  One thing I’m learning in therapy is that when I have someone in my life who’s spoiled rotten and who doesn’t have my best interests in mind, then at some point, not only do I have to call them to account, I also have to hold their enablers accountable. And I include myself. For […]