Butler City Council to Vote on NonDiscrimination on Thursday

This week, City Council in Butler, Pennsylvania will vote on an ordinance to create municipal level protections for residents based on protected classes (gender, race, religion, etc) including sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression. For months, members of PFLAG Butler have been working tirelessly to educate members of council and the larger community about […]

Why People Share Their Stories With #AMPLIFY

LGBT History Month Pittsburgh

In June 2015, we added this question to the Q&A

“What motivated you to take part in this project?”

The responses have been enlightening when I consider why people take 30-60 minutes to share some of their most personal thoughts with the wide world. Their investment isn’t fleeting – the Q&A will live on as our archived collective experiences.

I particularly wanted to participate because I wanted an older perspective to be included.”

Forbes Hospital’s Inadequate Response to Transphobic Employees

Via KDKA TV, last night I learned about a developing story at Forbes Hospital in Monroeville. Some anonymous female employees at this Allegheny Health Network facility had voiced complaints about a trans woman employee being permitted to use the ladies bathroom. First, the good. Allegheny Health Network is following the law with regard to allowing […]

Benjamin, 35, is a Cis Gay Man Who Came out Four Times #AMPLIFY

Ben Gay Pittsburgh

  Name:  Benjamin Age: 35 County of Residence:  Allegheny Preferred Pronouns: he How do you describe your identity? I self-identify as a gay cisgender man. Please describe your coming out experience. Where did you find support? What challenges did you face? I’ve probably come out 4 different times. First as someone “into guys,” then as someone with a homosexual […]

Chi Chi, 47, Lives Her Version of Latina, Queer and Spiritual #AMPLIFY

queer latina

  Name:  Chi Chi Rivera Age: 47 County of Residence:  Allegheny Preferred Pronouns:  she How do you describe your identity? I am first and foremost a spirit, that has taken residence within a BIG queer latina female body, this time. Next lifetime, I may be a white drag queen or a straight woman with 16 children, or […]

Eileen, 52, Reflects on the Awakening of Her LGBTQ Community #AMPLIFY

Pittsburgh Gay

Name: Eileen Age: 52 County of Residence: Allegheny Preferred Pronouns: Female How do you describe your identity? I am an simply put, just ME. I truly despise all the labels that are being thrown around today in the LGBTQ world to describe people. I believe that the people thinking they have to have a need to label themselves is just […]

The Anxious Life Part Six: I’m Not Talking About Orlando

The Anxious Life Part Six: I’m Not Talking About Orlando

I don’t want to talk about it. I put the rage and fear and hopelessness into a little box and tucked that into my heart in a little space that keeps it secure. I was very sad for very many days. I spent those hours asleep or numb which is what you feel when you […]

Kay, 27: Not Ashamed Of The Reality of Me #AMPLIFY

Kay Stud Pittsburgh

  Name: Kay Age: 27 County of Residence: Allegheny Preferred Pronouns: n/a How do you describe your identity? I am Kay…I am a tall stout masculine woahman!👌💯…I’m not a lady…I’m not a man…I’m me….according to society I’d be considered a soft stud…I am black, irish, and indian. I’m originally from Bloomfield 👏👏😂 Please describe your coming out experience. Where did […]

Creating the #CatCar: Pgh’s Latest Art Car Hits the Road #AMPLIFY

Pittsburgh Art Car

Converting my 2000 Honda CRV into an art car seemed like a solid idea. It only has 130,000 miles and is in pretty good shape mechanically speaking. It was technically our second car that I used for my day-to-day errands and the occasional big or ‘messy’ transport. Since I work from home, my day-to-day errands […]

Maybe I Underestimated Rich Fitzgerald on LGBTQ Issues

Rich Fitzgerald gay

I’ve been disappointed with Rich Fitzgerald. He’s not especially progressive and his antics with Chelsa Wagner are exasperating. Worst of all, he made the decision to strip County employees of their domestic partner benefits after the Supreme Court decision recognizing marriage equality – a truly terrible and regressive policy decision. It one of the single […]