Allies at the Toonseum Offer Relaxed Way to Enjoy Pride in the Street

I have never been to Pride in the Street because I don’t really like standing in crowds, especially if people are drinking. There’s nothing inherently wrong with it – it just isn’t comfortable for me. When Melissa Etheridge played, I was out of state so I wasn’t even tempted. But when I heard Chaka Khan […]

Photos From #DecisionDayPA Pgh Rally

Pennsylvania Kiss

Post by Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents.

Four Ways to Take a Mental Health Break (at Starbucks)

Mental Health Month

Remember when someone would use the “mental health day” reason to take a day off from work? Well, today is Mental Health Month Blog Day (that’s a mouthful) which I like to think of as a mental health day in the middle of mental health month. The goal? Mental Health Month Blog Day to educate the public […]

Five Pieces of Advice I Needed Ten Years Ago

Lesbian Avengers

What’s the one piece of advice you wish someone had given you a year (or five, or ten…) ago? I recently finished reading “Body Counts” by Sean Strub, a memoir that illuminates the cultural and political history of HIV in the 80’s, 90’s and 2000’s. As soon as I finished this book, I began reading […]

Six Summer Personal Care Items You Never Thought To Donate

Pittsburgh Pride

While it is not technically summer, the 84 degree weather has me thinking about things like finding my flip-flops, setting out the deck furniture and maybe even planting stuff that grows. I might get ambitious and carry my winter coats to the attic this weekend. Just another ritual in the day to day change of […]

Speaking at PFLAG Pittsburgh Meeting This Weekend

PFLAG Pittsburgh

Just a little shout-out to the fine folks at Pittsburgh PFLAG. They’ve asked me to speak at their monthly meeting this weekend. It has been several years since I’ve attended and that’s unfortunate. Check out their latest newsletter for more information on the array of supports they offer the community.   May 11, 2014   […]

A Queer Saturday Night in Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh Pride

S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y NIGHT! What’s your favorite way to spend Saturday night? Short answer – with Ledcat. We have a flexible agreement that Saturday night is “date night” – we might spend the day in angst or mandatory activity, but barring illness or unavoidable commitment – we try to do something fun on Saturday nights. But having […]

10 Things You Can’t Buy With Food Stamps

Food Stamps

My latest piece published on Huffington Post in the “Gay Voices” section …

Former Corbett Admin Deputy Secretary Compares Lesbian to Anti-Semite

This is priceless. I wrote a blog post reviewing a local fish fry at Most Holy Name of Jesus Catholic parish in Troy Hill. Apparently, the fact that I set foot in a Catholic church offended someone (technically, I was just in the social hall but whatevs.)   Mr. Philip Abromats was until March last […]

Updated: This is Why It’s Okay to Ask Mayor Peduto Questions

If you follow me on social media, you may have noticed that I’ve been asking around to determine if the Peduto Administration has hired any openly LGBTQ people into a supervisory/leadership role or appointed to a commission/task force. Radio silence. No one will comment on the record. I’ve had quite a few off the record […]