NaBloPoMo: Oh My … Almost Didn’t Make It Edition

Wow … such a busy day that I haven’t had time to post. Today, Ledcat and I went to the South Side to participate in the rally in response to recent incidents of violence against LGBTQ women at a local bar. More on that tomorrow. It is a great example of where you get energy […]

When Being an Ally Makes a Difference …

I was recently “targeted” on LinkedIn for a little gay bashing. The details I’ll save for another post, but it boiled down to someone telling me that the word lesbian was not appropriate in a profession environment. It went downhill from there. This is not the first time I’ve encountered this mentality. I’ve been asked […]

Dan Savage vs. Brian Brown: The Dinner Table Debate – Video

Here’s the video from the dinner table debate between LGBTQ columnist and activist Dan Savage and the president of the National Organization for Marriage, Brian Brown.  

Penn State one of the nation’s most LGBTQ friendly campuses?

It is a positive thing to have an organization exploring the LGBTQ friendliness/competency of our nation’s post-secondary education resources. I think that’s an excellent resource. But … Penn State? Really? While I can understand that they school ranked based on criteria, I have a difficult time understanding how the atrocities of the Administrative cover up […]

Take Our LGBTQ Social Media 101 Survey!

I am personally fascinated by the intersection of social media with social justice. From the use of Twitter during the recent uprisings throughout the Middle East to the Occupy movement, it is all abuzz. But on a microlevel, I have people say “I get like 4 links to your posts every day by Twitter, Facebook, […]

Ali Forney Center (NYC) Post Regarding Homeless LGBTQ Youth

This is very powerful. These young LGBTQ people experience homelessness, find themselves with nowhere to live but the streets because of rejection by their family (often fueled by religious-themed ignorance and hated) and a society that considers anyone in poverty, even more so queer, expendable. Nor do their stories conform to the traditional narrative of […]

Anti-Discrimination Movements and Economic Justice

A very interesting piece from Sunday’s Post-Gazette. Pranab Bardhan, economics professor at University of California Berkley, examines the intersection of movements for social equality with economic inequality.  She basiscally says that movements pressing for social change must look at economic justice issues to be ultimately successful. This implies that anti-discrimination and egalitarian movements need to […]

Welcome to the new WordPress edition of Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents

We’ll we’ve made the leap from Blogware to WordPress and it seems we landed on our feet.    You’ll notice a very sleek look.  As I learn my way around the software, I’ll bring back the blogrolls and fancy features.  The most important thing is to note that Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents v1.0 is safely archived. […]