Q&A with Blogger Mark S. King about Awards, HIV Storytelling, and Finding Hope in a Pandemic

Mark S. King GLAAD Award

As the reigning GLAAD OUTstanding LGBTQ Blog from 2019, it has been my duty to to pass the title and tiara to the 2020 winner, Mark S. King from My Fabulous Disease. While he’s been getting a lot of mileage from his Susan Lucci status as ‘always a bridesmaid, never a bride’ these past years, […]

Drag Artist Jade Elektra Wows Toronto AIDS Vigil with Her Version of ‘Undetectable’

Photo of Jade Elektra 'Undetectable'

This weekend, our Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra is hosting a tribute to Nat King Cole and Natalie Cole. Their songbook is on my mind or in my ear, I suppose. So this video caught my eye when I was browsing My Fab Disease: Mark S. King writes After performing the song publicly once or twice, Jade […]

Those Offended by #NoJusticeNoPride Should Learn LGBT History

Guest post by Mark S. King. Republished from My Fabulous Disease. Those Offended by #NoJusticeNoPride Should Learn LGBT History Hell hath no fury like a privileged white gay man who has waited too long for the next pride parade contingent to sashay by. When #NoJusticeNoPride blocked the DC Pride parade route on June 10, causing an hour […]

Video: All the sights, sounds and emotions of the Marriage Equality Rally

Via the fabulous Mark S. King of My Fabulous Disease … impressive he had this together and posted so quickly!