I am one of 9+ million Americans deemed totally and permanently disabled by the Social Security Administration.

I am one of 9+ million Americans deemed totally and permanently disabled by the Social Security Administration. I was 40 years old at my date of disability. I am 54 years old. Today, I receive a monthly allotment of $1500 after I paid for mandatory Medicare. I had/have full health insurance coverage through my spouse. […]

This is How I Endured a Dark and Twisty Week

Content Note: mental health, bureaucracy, aging, suicide, shed building Last week. A dark and twisty series of days, events, and revelations. It was pretty rough. First … First, there’s my struggle to find a good therapist who accepts Medicare. Or will. I have private insurance now through my spouse, but I also have a Medicare […]

#ArtisticVisionPgh QnA with Erin Gill Ninehouser of the PA Health Access Network

During the course of our Q&A profiles of the artists and sponsors, some interesting questions arose about vision health and insurance. So I asked Erin Gill Ninehouser from the Pennsylvania Health Access Network (PHAN) to take a stab at some of these issues. Name: Erin Ninehouser Organization Twitter: @pahealthaccess Organization Website: www.pahealthaccess.org What sort of work does PHAN […]

Two Big Federal Wins for Marriage Equality

Thursday brought news of two significant rules that will have an immediate impact on LGBTQ families. First, the Department of Health and Human Services issued a ruling on Medicare: Gay married couples are now eligible for nursing home care through Medicare-funded private insurance in the aftermath of the Supreme Court’s decision against the Defense of […]