Disability Pride Month: Here are 100 Disability Blog Posts

In acknowledgment of Disability Pride Month, a look back at previous posts. Most of my blogging about mental health began after 2010 when I was declared totally and completely disabled by the Federal Government. I immediately hit many walls of discrimination, bias, and ignorance on the part of other people. My response was to up […]

Disability Pride Month: Do You Know About 302’s?

A 302 in Pennsylvania is shorthand for an involuntary civil commitment. 302 is the section of the Pennsylvania code under Mental Health Law. This is a disability pride issue. Last year, LGBTQ activist and writer, Susan “Sue” Kerr suffered an inexcusable violation of her civil rights when multiple officials deliberately disregarded established ‘sprocesses meant to […]

Latina Trans Woman Andrea Doria Dos Passos, 37, Violently Murdered While Sleeping on Miami Sidewalk

The Crime Content Note: violence, transgender person, homelessness, mental illness. Please note that the description of the murder is graphic and vicious. Andrea Doria Dos Passos was a 37 year old Latina trans woman. She was homeless, sleeping outside the Miami City Ballet building in Miami Beach on April 22, 2024 when she was brutally […]

What Are the Legal Costs To Defend Domestic Partnerships and Marriage Equality in Pennsylvania?

This past weekend was my third wedding anniversary. It was a bit harder than I thought to think about marriage joy. But we had a plan. I’ve gifted my wife with the “traditional”gift each year that we could share, so I decided to gift myself something leather this year. In this leather case, it was […]

How I’m Resisting Social Anxiety During These Holidays

social anxiety

Resisting social anxiety, holiday edition. Anxiety has been a mighty foe of mine since forever. In addition to missing outings and events, it has severed my ties to my friends and colleagues. My world grew much smaller, but I didn’t even feel it happening. When I was forced to leave my home 3+ months ago, […]

Here’s My Video Letter to Senator John Fetterman About Disability

Image of Senator John Feetterman

@pghlesbianblog open letter to Senator @John Fetterman about bullying and disability #bullying #disabilities #disability #Senate #Fetterman #bullies #Pittsburgh #redditread #story #blog #blogger #blogging #harassment #fyp #foryourpage #longpost ♬ original sound – PghLesbian Correspondents Blog

Family Of Adreya Harden Files Lawsuit Against Her School

Adreya harden memorial Trans Day of Remembrance 2021

Adreya Harden was a 15 year old student at  Wyoming Valley School District and the West Side Career and Technical Center in Luzerne County. She was also a transgender teen who faced indescribable violence and bullying from her classmates, her school, and the community. The school district and teachers refused to use her name, insisting […]

It is Hard to Get The Feeling and Sounds of Being Handcuffed Out of My Mind

Two pairs of handcuffs

35 days ago, I was handcuffed into a police cruiser under an invalid civil commitment warrant. I was only detained for four hours, but does that matter? Denying me my civil liberties – my actual liberty – for any period of time without just cause or due process is an affront to democracy. I am […]

It’s Been 36 Days And I’m Still Fighting Back

Pgh Lesbian Correspondents

Good morning, my friends and readers. First, I am still safe with friends. They are feeding a rotating array of vegetarian foods – soup, pasta, even a tofurkey dinner. I’ve only had meat 2 times. To be fair, it is easier to eat vegetarian when other people are preparing the food. But I feel physically […]

My Letter to Senator John Fetterman Regarding Bullying and Disabilities

Image of Senator John Feetterman

Dear Senator Fetterman, I am genuinely sorry that you are enduring vicious bullying because of your disability. You said ‘Because I live in a political environment, I was ridiculed and made fun of because I wasn’t able to process things at times,’ he said as began to tear up in front of the panel. He began […]