The Death of Billy Miller Due To Bipolar Depression is Important

I will always remember Billy Miller, an actor who recently died from suicide while struggling with bipolar depression. He was 43. Miller was an actor, mostly known for his complicated character soap opera roles. Most notably, he played Billy Abbott on The Young & The Restless and then both Jason Morgan and Drew Cain on […]

Crowdfund and Life Update

Crowdfund Sue Kerr

I’m still doing okay – safe with friends and taking things one day at a time. I went back to court last week, negotiated and agreed to a continuance, and took a break. Spent a lot of time with my nephews this weekend. We had a firepit fire and made s’mores. Celebrated a birthday and […]

You Can Support Both People Without Taking Sides

support both sides

You can choose to support both of us. I realize it seems like ‘taking sides’ or ‘picking a team’ when couple friends are in conflict. But that’s not the case. Loving and supporting both of us as individuals does not have to be a source of conflict for you. Setting boundaries is important, but that […]

27 Year Old Black Trans Woman DéVonnie J’Rae Johnson Killed in Los Angeles

DéVonnie J'Rae Johnson trans woman

In a storyline reminiscent of the shooting death of a trans teen in a Walgreens, a 29-year-old Black trans woman who was reportedly homeless was shot to death by a security guard in a Los Angeles grocery store. Black trans woman DéVonnie J’Rae Johnson was shot to death in Los Angeles, CA on Aug. 7, […]

More On Disability Pride from The 19th

Previous post in this series Finding Pride in My Disability I spoke with my therapist about this concept, something she had never heard of and she suggested that it might stem from the positivity movement, similar to body positivity. She suggested that a body neutrality approach might be more comfortable. I appreciate that she reiterated […]

Hypomania and King Cake

Things did get better over the weekend. But the hypomania is still lingering. You know that day when you are recovering from the flu or a bad cold and you think “hey maybe I could get through work” so you don’t blow another sick day? But you really need to take that sick day to […]


Yesterday I posted about my bout of hypomania. I don’t want anyone to worry so I’m checking in. First, I have a good treatment team and supportive wife. I’m safe, I’m not struggling alone or to get basic needs met. I am, however, struggling and feeling like crap. My mind is full of thoughts I […]

My World Mental Health Day in 2022

World Mental Health Day

CN: childhood sexual violence, trauma This World Mental Health Day, I’m thinking ahead 12 days to my birthday (Oct 22.) I have a complicated relationship with my birthday because of the trauma I experienced during my childhood along with the neglect and abuse. There’s a lot of reasons – the inconsistent celebrations, the shame and […]

COVID Realities

Reading over my posts about living with COVID-19 the past ten days, I’m struck by my flippant indignation and simmering ire about everything from the systemic failings to my personal inconveniences. As I head into Day 10 without respite, those sentiments shift. I’m ashamed by my shallow even callous comments. This is not a joke. […]

When Housekeeping Services are Ableist and Traumatizing #MentalHealthAwareness

Mental health Awareness Month Anxiety

I’m continually amazed how using social media to find a housekeeping service ends up being an exercise in disrespect and dismissive futility. My most recent provider does not have staff who are vaccinated so we cannot work with them any longer. It was an amicable parting, but now I’m back in the jungle looking for […]