Q&A with Industrial Artist and Musician Josiah

One of the perks of blogging for 16 years is being able to share a little more deeply the content I reference on my social media channels. I decided to make my first post of 2022 about my family. This is my nibling/nephew, Josiah. He is 14, close to 15. He’s always had an affinity […]

Dear David, August 20, 2020.

David DeAngelo Pittsburgh

Dear David, Thanks for your letter. Ah, music. On Sunday evenings, Laura and I listen to 3WS (94.5) the local oldies station for the rebroadcast of Casey Kasem’s American Top 40. In the morning, they air an 80’s version and in the evenings, a 70’s edition. Laura is seven years older than me so she […]

Enter to win THE DIVINE MISS M: DELUXE EDITION from @BetteMidler

Bette Midler giveaway

Enter to win THE DIVINE MISS M: DELUXE EDITION from Bette Midler! THE DIVINE MISS M: DELUXE EDITION A double-CD set celebrating Bette Midler’s iconic 1972 debut album including the remastered album and a bonus disc of singles, outtakes and demos! Available NOW CD: http://smarturl.it/BMDivineMissM Apple Music: http://smarturl.it/BMDivineMissMDL http://bettemidler.com http://facebook.com/BetteMidler http://instagram.com/bettemidler http://twitter.com/BetteMidler Giveaway Guidelines You […]

Enter to win ENCORE: Movie Partners Sing Broadway from music icon Barbra Streisand! #Giveaway

BarBra Streisand giveaway

Enter to win ENCORE: Movie Partners Sing Broadway from music icon Barbra Streisand! ENCORE: Movie Partners Sing Broadway the brand new album from the legendary Barbra Streisand Featuring 10 new Streisand duets of Broadway classics with some of the biggest stars in Hollywood including Alec Baldwin, Antonio Banderas, Jamie Foxx, Anne Hathaway, Hugh Jackman, Seth […]

Enter to win “Imagine” from @SirIvan

Sir Ivan

Enter to win “Imagine” from Sir Ivan! “IMAGINE” — the new single from Billboard chart topper and “Peaceman” SIR IVAN. From the album Peaceman Shines (available now): https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/peaceman-shines/id1069198216 Win special “Imagine” The Remixes USB flash drives including incredible mixes by Mike Rizzo, Jason Nevins, Chris Cox, Ralphi Rosario & more! “Imagine” The Remixes is available […]

Giveaway @BettyWho Single #ILYAF – 4 Copies!!!

Betty Who Giveaway

Enter to win “I Love You Always Forever” from Betty Who! “I LOVE YOU ALWAYS FOREVER” The new single from the critically acclaimed pop artist BETTY WHO Available Now on iTunes: http://smarturl.it/BWILYAF?IQid http://bettywhomusic.com http://facebook.com/bettywhomusic http://twitter.com/bettywho http://instagram.com/bettywho #ILYAF Guidelines You must be 18+ and live in the continental US. You must leave a comment answering the […]

Queer folk rocker Jennifer Knapp Plays Club Cafe

Queer folk rocker Jennifer Lynn Knapp is playing Club Cafe tonight and she took a few moment to chat with us. The show is 21+, doors at 6, show at 7 pm. Tickets are $18 and available for online purchase or you can buy them at the door. For more on Jennifer’s story, check out […]

Enter to win Dark Sky Island from Enya #Giveaway

Enya Giveaway

DARK SKY ISLAND the new album from the internationally renowned singer ENYA Featuring “Echoes in Rain” Out November 20 Amazon: http://po.st/aDSIdlx iTunes: http://po.st/iDSIdlx http://enya.com http://facebook.com/officialenya http://twitter.com/official_enya http://instagram.com/official_enya How To Enter! We are giving away two copies of this album. Leave a comment below telling us why Enya speaks to you. You must be 18+ and […]

Fat Is a Feminist Issue: Concert Tee Shirts

This first appeared on the feminist blog, Shakesville, as a guest post. [Content Note: Sizism.] I’m not a big fan of live music so my collection of concert shirts is pretty limited. My partner, Ledcat, on the other hand loves both—she has a closet filled with shirts and an impressive collection of ticket stubs. The […]

Giveaway: 2-CD Deluxe Editions of Little Earthquakes and Under The Pink from Tori Amos

Tori Amos giveaway

  Enter to win 2-CD Deluxe Editions of Little Earthquakes and Under The Pink from Tori Amos! Featuring remastered audio, special B-sides, live tracks, and other rarities! Available April 14 Little Earthquakes (Deluxe Edition) http://smarturl.it/LEdlx2CD Under The Pink (Deluxe Edition) http://smarturl.it/UTPDlx2CD Lucky winner will receive 2-CD Deluxe Editions of both Little Earthquakes and Under The […]