NaBloPoMo, Pittsburgh Style for November 2019

NaBloPoMo 2019

National Blog Post Month (NaBloPoMo) used to be a thing. Basically, participants used writing prompts to fulfill a goal of posting daily (or writing 30 posts total for the month.) I thought it was a great challenge to keep blogging fresh. Along with NaBloPoMo, several daily blog writing prompts have stopped posting new content as […]

Election Day 2017 Wrap-Up: My Queer Perspective

There will be lots of these types of posts today across the blogosphere. You should read them because the outcomes from this particular election are both disappointing and hopefilled for those of us living our lives on the ground. Check out what Alvin McEwan has to say about it at Holy Bullies and Headless Monsters. […]

Eight Difficult Things About Blogging #NaBloPoMo

It’s not all freewheeling and cartwheels in the land of blogging. There are challenges and genuine conflicts that rage behind the scenes as well as in front of the scenes. Technical Issues – you finish a terrific blog post and discover your server is down. Or Facebook is showing the wrong thumbnail image for your […]

Wayback to My Political Blogging 2006-2009 #Ouch #NaBloPoMo

Favorite Blog Memories Because Election Day is almost here, I’m going to share a few political moments. My early days were very state and municipal focused. I mentioned 2 Political Junkies, Tony Norman, and Chris Potter a lot. I even criticized Chris Potter – whhhattt???? Things have changed, but you might enjoying browsing these posts […]

Why I Started Blogging In 2005? #NaBloPoMo

Why did I start blogging? I was not a kid who wanted to grow up to be a writer. I did not keep a journal or diary. I wasn’t a very good writer, in fact, until my years at LSU with the fearsome and exacting faculty in the graduate department of Political Science. What I […]

Where Does the Blogging Magic Happen? #NaBloPoMo

Tell us about your writing space. Where do you write your blog posts? When I began blogging, our desktop computer was in the attic so I ran up there each morning and again after work. Laptops reunited me with Ledcat 🙂 Now, I mostly blog from our sofa. “My” side is on the right. I […]

Writing Disrupts Complacency #NaBloPoMo Day One

What is your favourite part about writing? I’m rolling my eyes as I tackle this prompt. Regular readers know that I wrestle with the idea of identifying as a writer or artist or anything like that. I’ve adjusted to the idea that blogging is an art form and that blogging is a writing style. And […]

I’m Cranky, Sad and Defiant. December, Here I Come.

There is no opening sentence that will accurately describe my emotional mindset right now. How about “my month has been a delightful Panoply of precursors to the next four years as well as most of what’s been happening forever that I never thought about?” I started out after the election feeling numb and cutting myself […]

Our Cat Has Pancreatic Cancer and Three Months to Live #NaBloPoMo

Emberly came to live with us in late September 2015. He had been living on the streets near a friend’s home in Brighton Heights. My original thought was that we would take him to the shelter when it was open, but a night in our bathroom was better than another night on the streets. Then […]

Six Bloggers Walk Into an Art Gallery

Six bloggers walked into an art gallery to have a conversation … This was far more fun than I anticipated. I had forgotten quite a bit about some of the history of political blogging during the mid-2000’s. It was fascinating to revisit that time period and have a chance to look through the eyes of […]